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Metallica – Nothing Else Matters – How to Play On Guitar – Guitar Lesson Tutorial part1

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how to play – nothing else matters – on guitar – guitar lessons – marty schwartz


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ahmad no no no says:

i like it . i want to tutorial

Anthony Sanchez says:

Did you really take a mini cartBut still good teacher I learns it fast

Burcu Gülpak says:

ıt s the fırst tıme ı take guıtar and ı really IMM fırst seven mın is ok …really he ıs a good teacher…because ı know nothıng and ı can play thıs 7 mın…butwhere s the all vıdeo ..thanks from TURKEY

Rahul Singh says:

If only you could do a poets of the fall song!!

Justin Law says:

I have to give u props dude! I've played guitar, bass and drums for YEARS…since I was about 13 years old. But I'm and axe man at heart lol… and the guitar is certainly my favorite instrument! I am U.S Marine, and music got me through some very tough times. Unfortunately, I can't read music. So I have learned most everything I know, by ear.(I've recently started reading some tabs here and there) But listening and learning is more comfortable to me, probably since that's how I have always done it… And actually, I have found playing by ear very beneficial when playing sessions with a live band. Seems to make a musician better at improvising and staying in key or time with the rest of the band. Just my opinion? But anyway, whenever I'm stumped on a lick, or an intricate part of a song, or I'm just getting tired of working on it lol….I have found ur lessons to be virtually DEAD ON! And very helpful in helping me learn new covers for my band. You are an awesome guitarist man! And I deeply appreciate the work you do to help me, and all the other guitarists out there! Especially the beginners! I also give guitar lessons in my community, and find it amazingly gratifying to get beginners started on the guitar, and add members to our awesome group of worldwide guitarist! The next Clapton, Hendrix, or Stevie Ray is out there somewhere man! And its people like you that could be teaching them a lick that gets them hooked! (Mine was intro to Nothing Else Matters) so I found it fitting to leave this message here lol. And though I didn't learn this particular song from you, we do play it identically, which is cool considering u probably learned it by ear as well! I have subscribed to your channel man, and I urge you to keep up the good work! Several of my Marine Corp buddies also are subscribed, and us Jarheads got ur back if u ever need us! If u ever find yourself in the boondocks of Eastern Kentucky, give me a holler! I'd love to jam with ya! Keep pickin' Marty! Sgt. Justin Law USMC

Mark DeGeorge says:

I'm a complete beginner and have been practicing a couple weeks now. You are by FAR the best teacher on here. Thanks Marty!

Amber martin says:


Khanjana Srivastav says:

Is he wearing a led zepp tshirt?

Matt Fite says:

I just bought my first electric guitar today!! I am learning my first song from you!! I can only play the first few notes right now. I am going to keep at it. Your awesome Man!!



Addison Brown says:

I did it master marty

Boss Fish says:

I can't do the lick :(

Karam Aljamal says:

Is there a third part for it?

Karam Aljamal says:

Marty thanks you are the best

Tony Casas says:

this was the very VERY first song i ever learned….. thank you so much marty…..

Lisa De Novo says:

Ring finger…. I laughed so hard when i saw frodo! Thanks so much for putting up these videos Marty! You're amazing!!!

Stripper Pingvin says:

marty sometimes i jus feel like taking u to my place and watch over me…guide me all day :p #fingersofGOD #marty

Daniel Reyes says:

I can't see your strings and I can't tell what you're strumming (not in a mean way)

KieranRG says:

Sup. Im a fellow guitar player and i have to say, you have some originality. You should stop doing lessons on other songs. Write your own. You have technique bro!

V10 FSI says:

does this sound bad? I'm playing Metallica acoustically

Chase Wesley says:

ur low e is flat kid

Malik Jungschleger says:

Hi, can someone explain by the lick if you do the pull off by 8-2 or 7-1? Because I don't understand that part.

Tyler Messick says:

teach the whole song please

Daniel Terkelsen says:

my girlfriend have been wanting to play this song for ages, but she was suposed to learn it from a friend who never had time, i sat with this song for a few days ( my first song ever on guitar ) and ended up learning her the song in the end 😀 you are a realy good teacher making newbies like me able to play masterpieces like this 😛 thank you very much subscribed!

Abdulkader Marrash says:

hello marty, im 15 and lebanese, i was thinking of being a guitarist, do you think thats gd or i should take my studies into concederation more than my music ? btw your videos helped me alot 😊

Billy c says:

marty your videos are the best mate 🙂 love your videos and they are helping me on the road to becoming a better guitar player,all the best from scotland my friend and keep up the fantastic work,you are helping so many people with your uploads and very nice manner of teaching 🙂 :

VideosOfEarth says:

My first song on the guitar. Thanks a lot Prof. Marty! :)

Wormweed says:

having a hard time getting enough volume on the lower e string. Pissing me off. I have an electric guitar, and the other notes are easy to ring out loud, but the lower e is always too low, so its all lost during the slides. Been trying the first minute of the song for the past 2 hours. I've only had my guitar for a little over a week, so i guess i just need to keep at it. But its still pissing me off! :S

Arron's Free Guitar and Bass Tutorials! says:

i did a tutorial for this song too

Patty D says:

You should check out black diamond by kiss and give a lesson on lead guitar thanks Marty!

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