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Ewan Dobson – Blood and Ice – Solo Guitar

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CD & TABS available at http://www.candyrat.com

also available on itunes, amazon.com, emusic, rhapsody

Visit Ewan Dobson at http://www.myspace.com/ewanguitar

Special Thanks to Nitorami (Martin) for permission to use his killer Milkdrop presets in this video.

On-line Guitar Instructional “In The Style of Ewan Dobson Volume 1 and 2”


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Paddy Mayhem says:

That's just amazing. No other word for it.

Óskar Jónsson says:

418 deaf ppl have been here.

GiZeH 420 says:

4:05 look at his right hand :O :O

Hogboat says:

3:13 – Tunes guitar in the middle of the performance.

Bob Loblaw says:

here's the tabs for all you players out there

every string at same time:

Bob Loblaw says:

What's with that background? Looks like those music videos you can make in the mall

Danae Lepley says:

Reminicent of classical twelve string Spanish guitar . I, personally, love the complexities of Spanish guitar, and this as well.

Mike Hauptman says:

Just WoW, Mr. Dobson. I know you will claim to be a regular guy, but there must be some super blood in there? Right?

Юрий Нагорный says:


leonardo vega says:

your are a alienn complely

Chase Malone says:

These Blue Ray Deleted Scenes from the Karate Kid are Bad Ass!!

jermie grady says:

what tuning is your guitar drop d ?

Brian O'Sullivan says:

One would have to think that a mind that invents this would think about a lot of other stuff also.

rick riner says:

I saw this guy in a video a couple years ago, totally stoned and playing this stuff like it was nothing! I don't see how he does it but I think some classical lessons might have brought him to this quality of playing. Love It!

Radu Daniel says:

4:06 sounds like the intro from the first level of Legend of Kage

Jamaican MeCrazy says:

He is a fucking great artist. To actually make this shit up yourself is insane. Especially the tuning.

Phazur says:

technically sooo great, buuuut also musical! catchy riffs and virtuositiy combined. A rarity in his breed. this song is a keeper

metfan4l says:

I always find myself coming back to this, such an epic masterpiece.

Alawi boss says:


Israel Fabian Ortiz says:

Nice! dude, can you share the tab??XD

kungfujer says:

Great play!

SonofCastille says:

SWEEP THE KNEE!…………….And the arpeggios!!

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