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Joe Bonamassa – Acoustic Guitar Solo

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Joe Bonamassa – Acoustic Guitar Solo


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Homertoeclipper says:

This is just another guy who would have been relegated to playing in garage bands in funky divey places, until I took him under my wing and showed him some stuff.

kasallamedia says:

Reminds me a Bit of Tommy Emmanuel. classical gods….

RepublicZetaSquad says:

I do not understand why today’s youth, the people I call classmates, would choose “music” like rap and dubstep over something that calls for so much talent, so much talent like this man has.

LegionAire Minion says:

His voice…his guitar skills…makes me wanna punch God in the face and yell..NOT FAIR!!!

viviane lauzon says:

Your fingers are so beautiful, i would like to feel them,  you are the best!<3 <3

Cathy Formery says:

j adoooooore <3

thestarryeyesmusic says:

The playing is just incredible. The guitar sort of has that solid state quack sound that you get from undersaddle transducer pickups. A good sound engineer knows that you just need to turn down the midrange about halfway between 800 to 2000 hz to take care of that. Nevertheless, I sent this video to my Father, and he says it’s the best guitar exhibition piece that he’s ever seen.

Filip kopiczyński says:

That guitar sounds so badd cant handle it sorry…

djmiz215 says:


rocdarjar gm says:

i am amazed, this guy is incredible!

Robert W. Hainsey says:

vivi..ur right he is incredible… and whats ironic is… he rimnds me alotta myself… 😛

pellediferro says:

more than 600,000 views, 590,000 are mine

Marianna Steel says:

I did not like this comment — hit up by mistake. This guy probably can’t play one note in music.

mark haselock says:

Go for it joe

Adam Whitney says:

Hi everyone 🙂

I know almost everyone ignores these kind of comments, but please just give me a chance.

My name is Adam Whitney and I’m a guitarist and songwriter.

Please click my channel and give my music a listen.

I hope you are pleased!

– Adam Whitney

Cora Visser says:


Ariel5185 says:

ARIEL DEAM “El Auto Rojo” y ” Ruta 66″… Buscalo acá en Youtube…
Imperdible ! ! ! El Artista Argentino del Momento ! ! ! Suscribite…

Adam Whitney says:

Hello everyone 🙂
I know most of you probably pass up these kind of comments, but for those who are still reading this, thanks!
I don’t have any money for advertisements, no chance of getting heard, nothing. I live in such a small town…
If this comes off as spam, sorry.
I’m an instrumental songwriter from Columbus, Mississippi. Please go to my channel and check out my original music.
It would be highly appreciated if you thumbs up this comment so my music can be heard!
Thank you,
Adam Whitney

Chrisalchin says:

Worst guitar tone in history

Sven Stevens says:

seems to me you don’t know bonamassa !!

Doug Mccoll says:

I fucking dig this!

Mario Pecina says:

Haha at 2:42 all you see is bald spots, EVERYWHERE!

Michel van Heuven says:

De eindbaas op gitaar!

tdmayo2002 says:

The Man!!!

blackhawk322b says:

Going to see Joe may 10th Wang Theater Boston… Should be an awsome show!!!

Gary B says:

how could it be fake??

Keith Daniels says:

are u for real?

simple cunt how is it fake??

Andreas Andersson says:

This is freaking awesome! Really amazing stuff….I’m so annoyed by the fact that I missed te opportunity to see you in Stockholm last time you we´re here Joe B….

pellediferro says:

impossible, this video is a fake

PugsNotDrugs113 says:

there are no words to describe how amazing that was.

Chuck Piro says:

Now THIS is some good shit!!

twabellies says:

Jeez, this guy is feckin awesome – rock on Joe…!

rocdarjar gm says:

holy hell …bad ass

1907crazycactus says:

i will burn my guitar !!!

C Govcecik says:

After this performance the guitar sued Joe for extremely violent rape.

khallums says:

Simply amazing

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