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Acoustic Guitar Lessons | Guitar Lessons For Beginners

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For the Free tabs. http://www.6-string-videos.com/spanishyoutube
Simple chords and picks for an authentic Spanish Sounding Guitar lesson. Don’t know what it is called.
Mike Herberts


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Selva Maniam says:

i like this video….and this video is good and so easy to play this style……

Jocelyn Star with the Sweet Ads says:

Probably the most well recognized Spanish Tunes. However, I was hoping that You Knew the Name of It:( Nice Playing – I Enjoyed it!

ACESandElGHTS says:

I love this video: Stayed up one night for hours learning the tune. Great instruction. Still like to play it. I love the part about tuning. Just keep it up… you'll get it.

David Frock says:

Malaguena is the song name

Ryan Brewer says:

The name of the song is Malagueña originally written by Ernesto Lecuona

Mike Mantis says:

This was one of the first things on guitar I learned, and still play it often. Thank you @helisell

nora nowhere says:

very nice! 

Chewbaca Guil (Chewbaca2020) says:

That was awesome! I will definitely try it!

Alienscanner says:

Very easy to play….. :-((  lol

Earth Since Birth says:

Omg I just learned the first music note ever.. now I can die happy

Ryan James says:

how does he play the f shape in this?

Hass Djeb says:

nice peice , thanks buddy

James Hare says:

He cheats….uses his thumb. Ha ha

jayasena Cooray says:

Very good instructions, finger movements and strumming. Thanks

Jack Crowther says:

I think 

shwe bama says:

I need to learn to seduce women. My good friend has begun seeing a stunning young woman because 2 months ago he registered to a website named Master Attraction (Google it if you want to learn more.) I’m so envious since I want to fall madly in love as well. Why is it so difficult? I’m going to check out this Jake Ayres man’s emails and see if it may help somebody like me. Strange point is, he once had NO success with girls. How do you transform that rapidly? His girl’s a banging model…

KieuChinh Nguyen says:

i'v send u my email but u dont yet answer about the tablature…

KieuChinh Nguyen says:

merci a toi

Easy Guitar Lessons says:

It's raining here and this lesson makes me reminisce of past sunny Spanish holidays!

ronni jovanotti says:

Thanks bro 😉 amazing guitar lesson !!!!

novia prawitasari says:

Cool… I want to learn this, thanks


Brillant video to watch
First time to play a guitar
Over the week end I will learn to play this
Thank you for your lesson
Blessings x

FArhat KAinazarov says:

what is the website address ?
I would like to see other plays as well

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