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Complete Rumba Flamenca (chords, rhythm, etc)

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Here it is: A complete video on the Rumba Flamenca. Includes Chord progression.
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Timothy Ford says:

Ten years later and this is still the teaching tool I ground myself too, cheers Stefan.

transformer889 says:

From zero to the speed of sound in 5 second.

George Aivazis says:

you are great,thank you for this lesson.i'll practise

beat maker says:

i like it :)

Alaa Maoula says:

man your fingers are dancing! Beautiful!!

Huy Nguyễn Nhật says:

nice …..

Ramon Emilio Quiroga says:

fuuuaaaa!! impresionante ! sin palabras !

Justine Vallier says:

the capodastre is in the 2nd box that's ?

Van Tran says:

I've been watching this vid for years and have learned to do the basic pattern, but I would really like to get a breakdown of the 2nd-3rd parts when you add the rasgueados/triplets. even if they're just improv, they sound awesome in this particular vid. please please do a tutorial! I know a lot of others would appreciate it too

Marco Scuntaro says:

Awersome !

prateek Bhardwaj says:

wow..thanks its amazing ..simple to learn

MrSinoDz says:

Best Rumba but most difiicult

Retina Jhon says:


David Calderon says:

Toco guitarra hace siete años, hace ya cuatro años no veía este video y estoy muy contento de que con el tiempo estoy dominando la técnica :') Parece imposible al principio lo sé, pero con paciencia y dedicación se obtienen los resultados! Saludos

Shehzad S says:

This is beautiful…..Wish it was a much more longer video…. 

xyolit says:

olé, great! I'd be happy to be half as fast ;-)

Flavio Shotokan says:

Muito bom, aula simples e eficaz super show

Zenic1 says:

how does it sound so clean!!!

Josh Ben says:


Refo Ilmiya says:

wow this song is made on my birthday! and this is the first flamenca i could play

Hùng Đinh Thế says:

this video has a magic

parcé yohann says:

verry good  man , respect

Alessio Lampis says:

Just realized half of the people here have never seen a classic guitar and no use of the plectrum. It's so depressing…

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