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How To Play Happy Birthday on Guitar

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Tekker says:

1:20 that part always cracks me up

Terry Taz says:

Thanks Marty! My,how young u look!!! Lol. Time flys

Jacob Walker says:

Hi! I am just learning to play guitar and I love
Your videos! I would love that free ebook you were talking about if that is still a thing! Thank you!

Daniel says:

Why did 2:18 to the end of the song remind me of stewie

Srivatsava Sesham says:

Not at all helpful for beginners..he’s just too fast☹️

Mister Oldman says:

So Awesome! I know this video is old and you probs will ever see this comment. Idk how social media works… and I'm a millennial LOL. Thank you for the lessons! I'm going to be playing happy birthday on my new FENDER WV American Pro II Telecaster butterscotch blend… to my first daughter and only child because of your help. I'm looking forward to more lessons.

frefe5291 says:

Thank you !!!

Arunkumar Kumar says:

Simply good 👍✋

Philip Pohlong says:

I'm gonna play on my girlfriend birthday 😊😊


Wow nice video brother

Tiffany Franks says:

Thank you so much for this tutorial.

Home support and solutions ltd says:

c.crane2@virginmedia.com I’m 50 and learning guitar absolute beginner.

No one says:

You make no sence

saurabh agrawal says:

i need the ebook

Claire Richards says:

Only just started learning want to be able to play happy birthday to my grand daughter on her 2nd birthday in June thank you so much for this. Now to practise practise practise 😊 good vibes sent x

im0nfier3 says:

Really wish you would've given a play through at the end.

Dr Momanyi Enock says:



anybody else try to do it in power chords. dont

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