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Johann Sebastian Bach, Sonata II BWV 1003, Fuga

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Performed by Tatyana Ryzhkova. Recording was made in Weimar, where J.S.Bach lived from 1708 to 1717.
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For more information about Tatyana Ryzhkova please visit her website: http://www.tatyana-guitar.com/

Master classes by Tatyana Ryzhkova
All you nead is a Skype account, fast internet connection and a wish to improve your skills. Please write at: kontakt[at]tatyana-ryzhkova.de to arange your personal masterclass by Tatyana Ryzhkova.

Video is made by JeTa Productions (jeta-mail@gmx.de)
Tatyana’s website: http://www.tatyana-guitar.com
Tatyana’s Guitar School: http://www.tatyanas-gitarrenschule.de/skype-lessons/


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keith lamm says:

the less robotic of all the classical guitarists that I've seen.she shows emotion to which is very refreshing

Ken g says:

i mostly listen to H.M. but the best heavy metal guitarist generally come from a classical background. And yes she is awesome player. Shame on the people wit very rude comments. Get a fucking life a holes

RorysIrishTour says:

does she write her own music? or is she just covering composers?

Amal Samaan says:

her expressions are killing me lol, btw she is excellent

John Daniels says:

Most excellent playing. Some twit discussed her expressions. If you had that music going on in your head, you'd have interesting expressions on your face. Watch ANY musician who is really working and you'll see eyes, lips and cheeks moving.

John Joseph says:

wow, that was beautifully executed!

Al DuBose says:

I have discovered that if you watch this video long enough, you will suddenly discover that the lovely woman is playing a guitar.

garcemac says:

Certainly beats twerking.

Simon Gauvin says:

What a beautiful piece. I adore Bach and you play it great.
I have a fuga that I keep returning to myself. Hopefully I will finish it one day. 🙂
It is always a pleasure to see your videos. Bravo!

steve vince says:

Superb, some difficult left hand positions there.

brucekirk89 says:

Sabation Bach's daughter??

Abraham A says:

Just Beutiful…

Mich B says:

Awesome and I love her little head movements and looks that she makes

Bricklinsv1970 says:

Beautiful woman playing beautiful music! Doesn't get much better then that 😉

Nicolás Rondón says:

The way you feel the piece while you play it… so nice♥ And so well played!

sam m says:


박길택 says:

Oh, so beautiful, and good music!

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