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Metallica – Nothing Else Matters – Fingerstyle Guitar Cover

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Here’s my guitar arrangement of Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters!

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Livia Mihai says:

From the bottom of my heart… thank you! 💖

Horns Of Abraxas says:

This made me want to buy the tab. It says it's a physical copy though, a print out. Is there no option to pay for a download of your transcription?

William Intemann says:

Now we need a golden boi doggo and we have that one YouTube channel.

Tomi Vieyra says:


Mike Seals says:

James, what is it about the phosphor bronze strings you like better than 80/20 bronze? Noticed that thats almost all you play. Just the sound only?

azatheguitarist says:

Wow this is such an amazing guitar cover good job man!

Rou9 Ryuk says:

insane 👌❤❤😙💥🌠🚀☄😍

Lee Wilson says:

This artist presents the wondrous nature of human artistry. On display, like no other creature on earth. Intellect. Soulfulness. Talent.

LORDE 2729 says:

How is this possible ?

Tony Avalos says:

he didn’t do the harmonics part👎

Matias Böckerman says:

i uploaded nothing else matters yesterday, and though it was decent. After hear this, not so much.

EVO 157 says:

Not completly right Played but really good

ki a ana says:

That was brilliant till the end, love every part

ki a ana says:

What is his guitar…mine it's much different

iWicha says:

wow. wooooow. perfect. congratulations for creating something so beautiful

Dragunovski says:

Tbh im buying an acoustic guitar just because im bored and wanna impress women

mentalprogram says:

Omfg i NEED the tab for this!!

Bob Gnarley says:

Plot twist: The left arm is from a different person.

Alfonso Adams says:

👍🏼 👍🏼

Natalie Tedesco says:

Absolute talent!! 💖

Muhammad Rian Ardianto says:

so close, this cover is so far..

I mean it, this is the closest cover when it comes with that tricky opening by Kirk Hmmet

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