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Nathan East & Paul Gilbert: "One Chord Challenge" at ArtistWorks

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Nathan East (http://bit.ly/2BLrHDH) and Paul Gilbert (http://bit.ly/2nzjJIv) show the world what you can do with just one chord! They’ve been sentenced to play all in A and prove that there’s actually a whole lot that you can do with just one chord in a jam.

This is just a small part of a series of videos they recorded together for their online schools. Learn more at http://bit.ly/2DTVIXR

Get free lessons from Nathan East, Paul Gilbert and many more here: https://artistworks.com/#freelessons


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Wenslack Taboada jr. says:

So it's just and A chord?😳

ocean claude says:

Denzel playing bass damn

chicklets4ever says:

Thanks, guys. That was fun.

Tea With HT says:

Love it when a guitar have a real conversation with a bass.

Patrick Kem says:

See what happens when you practice and practice and practice,,, smooth jam fellas!

gsxerwhite says:

5:32 dope

gsxerwhite says:

I see Paul Gilbert, I watch.

nolobede says:

Only these guys.

David Patrick says:

Good drummer too


Pentatonico toda la distancia.No hay misterio. XD Nathan hizo maravillas para no ofender

Rob R says:

Holy crap. This was awesome



markbra says:

Funny he should say prison.

palmerlp says:

See, I like jamming on one chord because I only have to remember one scale.

Whisker Whippers ™️ says:

4:00 a little cream with your bass playing

Whisker Whippers ™️ says:

Did the drummer play in A?

Pit the Frit says:

paul gilbert should return to his own roots: shredding. because that he can do very well. but blues, with that tone..sounds always a little thin somehow, no matter what guitar or effects or amp.

Tyrone Raman says:

Well that was utterly satisfying!

John C Haydock says:

Paul Gilbert and Nathan East are such consummate musicians….

Twsuf1 says:

White man thinks he's mastered the soul 😆😂🤣

Twsuf1 says:

A white & black feel good moment 🤣😂😆

Richie of Tampa says:

I often wondered how feasible such an idea could be. Awesome example.

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