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OCEAN – John Butler – 2012 Studio Version

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This special re-recording was captured in ‘The Compound’, John Butler’s studio in his hometown of Fremantle Western Australia in February 2012. Having performed the track to a worldwide audience over the past 12 years, ‘Ocean’ is today available FREE as an MP3, grab your copy here: http://www.johnbutlertrio.com/ocean 


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This special re-recording was captured in ‘The Compound’, his studio in his hometown of Fremantle Western Australia in February 2012. Having performed the track to a worldwide audience over the past 12 years, ‘Ocean’ is today available FREE as an MP3, grab your copy here: http://www.johnbutlertrio.com/ocean 

“OCEAN is a very interesting aspect of my life. It is part of my DNA. It conveys all things I can’t put into words.
Life, loss, love, spirit. As I evolve so too does ‘Ocean’. The song was first recorded as part of my first album/cassette,
“Searching For Heritage”, which I sold when I busked, then for my first self-titled studio album 12 years ago — “John Butler (1998)”.
The song has been watched online incredibly over 25 million times in various formats, nearly always live, be it from MusicMax Sessions or from one of the many festivals I have had the pleasure to play. I’d like to thank you for your continued support over all these years; it means so much to me. I would like to thank you by offering this first studio recording of ‘Ocean’ in over a decade as a free download.
I recorded it in my favourite studio, The Compound here in Fremantle Western Australia, a studio you helped me build.
This marks just another fleeting moment in a career that is very much ongoing.
I look forward to bringing you many new songs and albums into the future and continuing this amazing journey with you ALL.


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Jesse Ess says:

i'm sitting here, lookin at the basic stats for this video and am in awe because out of the 35 million views, it only has 330k likes. and then i read through the comments a bit and remember: all 330k of us who haved liked this video have watched it at least 100 times. good song, man. keep playin it.

Jesse Ess says:

i'm sitting here, lookin at the basic stats for this video and am in awe because out of the 35 million views, it only has 330k likes. and then i read through the comments a bit and remember: all 330k of us who haved liked this video have watched it at least 100 times. good song, man. keep playin it.

Charleston _Brad says:

I have Two words…F*cking AMAZING!

Unknown Man says:

Such a great experience… who else had an awesome experience here?

JacobsMusicAndStuff says:

hey guys please check out my cover of this and let me know what you think!:) and vote this up for me, would make my day!! ^^

JacobsMusicAndStuff says:

hey guys please check out my cover of this and let me know what you think!:)

Elissa Ladwig says:

Love Love Love Love this sound! it is the backdrop to so many great memories. Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of music. beautiful. 😊

Cameron Robinson says:

his rhythm and skill are second to none. I honestly do not know how he isn't the or at least one of the, most famous guitar players today.

Kevin Wakely says:

My whole life i just hadn't found my place in life and all the small problems seemed to become overwhelming. I unfortunately fell into a deep heroin addiction at the same time.

When I finally couldnt take the loneliness and hate I had for myself and others anymore, I was finally given a foundation to build my life up from. Having a willingness to change was my foundation. I've found hope, happiness, and sobriety through my faith that God knows what he's doing, becoming completely selfless (instead of constantly chasing the next thing to temporarily fix an issue), and focusing on being in this very moment.

Tomorrow will always be there and yesterday has already come and passed, so the only power I have is to act on the next best thing I can do in this very moment. I'm 7 months clean from heroin, after a long 13 year binge (I'm 25 now) and I'm graced with the beauty of life that I could never see before.

Mr Mud says:

Best wake up song ever

PotatoesGoMoo says:

If that guy broke a nail…he'd be fucked.

Jarrod Hammond says:

awesome on the picking. This was more art then a song. I would love to see you do a piece with a start middle and end. I know this is a classical song" not meaning classical old" It has no beginning or end. This is just a talent piece. Would love to see some solo work with another player in the back or maybe even some duet guitars. You are good, are you good with others?

Colt Bratcher says:

he sure makes some damn funny faces

Jarrad Tait says:

Fucks me up everytime. ❤

Sr.Miguel Gonçalo Mateus Cardoso says:

Jonh Butler just only with the creation of this music, your existence is succed and you worth it


i havent listened to this in a while and tonight i really needed it. reminds me of a happier place.

Tazvenom says:

Best song ever. Took me ages to learn on the guitar, so after 2 years of listening to the song, I thought to learn it. 6 months later I’ve got it. Thank you to Mr Butler, for a song millions enjoy.

Ps. When I tried to film this whole song for my channel, I had to do it so many times. 6 times before the one that is up, and 14 times another one, not good to publish.
So here is my question. How many takes did John Butler have to do?

Wimpie Grobler says:

One of the GREATEST pieces of music I have heard. The Mozart of the 21st century. I keep listening to it over and over again.

Nicolás Ogues says:

"el océano es el mismo océano que fluye desde hace miles de años, vidas brotan como ríos y raíces se asoman a sus peldaños, generación y corrupción el ciclo de nuestra ilusión,
buscan felicidad al precio de la sumisión, si hay que ser esclavo elijo ser esclavo del corazón, allí surge el ritmo de mi celebración"…

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