This Guitar is From the Future!
This is the Lava Me 3 and this is not your normal guitar. This has a ton of cool features, be it different effects, beats, lessons for beginners, recorder and more. This is probably the most tech guitar ever!
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This is the Lava Me 3 and this is not your normal guitar. This has a ton of cool features, be it different effects, beats, lessons for beginners, recorder and more. This is probably the most tech guitar ever!
Link to Guitar:
Subscribe to Beebom for cool gadgets like this!
Link to Guitar:
price ₹1,42,000 only
You can see me
If you want to look ridiculous
Made in China hoga
Why does the charging dock look like a toilet seat? 😂
Lava did a great job
You suppose to say that first, this is too expensive
Ugly formula
So its like a keyboard version of a guitar
कितना भैंसिया हटाना पड़ेगा इसको लेने के लिए ये बता दीजिये….😌