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Victor Wooten Super Solo

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victor wooten owns a bass
Hello! see also: http://baixistas.blogspot.com.br


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Jared S says:

many of you just simply do understand; and i assume you've all had basses…but you've never Owned, one. that is HIS bass guitar. just hear the song: me and MY bass guitar. ; )

Jeff Read says:

4:20 and on was intense

Necromantic Aromatherapy says:

Seinfelds opening theme in its entirety.

Goctagon says:

Damn good performance!


Esse negocio de usar pedaleira não é pra quem sabe mas para quem pode $$$

Justin Hill says:

Law & Order- Seinfeld Edition

David Pichler says:

Which bass does he play?

Wayne Blake says:


TheMetadaemon says:

I own bass too. Not the same one though.

Mark Price says:


K. Williamson says:

What pedal is he using to layer his tracks?


After the tune he tells the Bass "I just owned you''

Joe Nolan says:

using his god given talent right on dude

McGosu says:

What is Er My Gerd TV?

Tony Merrett says:

Rather than CGAT, I'm guessing Victor's DNA would be combinations of EADG

James Frisella says:

Like those pickups have anything to do with how that sounds. He could be thumbing a stretched out pubic hair from my ass, and it would probably sound good.

Kyla M. says:

Owning something is slang for being really good at something. For example, that guy just owned you at snowboarding. Get with the times, have you people been living under a rock? That is literally one of the oldest dumb slang words there is.

B Dawg says:

hurls bass guitar off back deck

Michelle Linares says:

Wooden really changed after The Office.

EJ Salazar says:

how to sell pickups: give them to vic.

Alex B. says:

victor wooten owns a bass

justin y says:

why does he only uses 4 string basses? i personally think that it would be nice to hear him play 5 or 6 string basses

H1dden1s says:

Several times during this I made that face where you shiver and recoil with a digusted look on your face from the dopeness. Victor is the best to ever pick up the instrument, and one of the best virtuosos of all time period.

сын иллюзий says:

хаотичное лязганье по струнам

Mark Lindell says:

What is he advertising? Talent or pickups?

Loquendo BK says:

no se escucha :v

Mark Rodrigue says:

Saw this guy in Portland, Maine of all places!!! Government Mule was playing with Derek Trucks on Guitar, Victor the awesome on Bass, and Matt Abts on Drums. Warren Haynes, too, was exceptional.
All for $30 bucks a ticket!!! Great show!!!

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