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Playing a Bass Guitar with zero strings = done

All the sounds come from the bass guitar parts and I applied heavy EQs and FXs (and even pitch shift for the jack buzz sound) to them in order to get the best results possible out of these sounds! Hope you’ll like it!
Any more challenges? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Don’t forget to leave a comment to let me know if you enjoyed this video, it’s important for me! 🙂
I’m playing a Fender Jazz Bass made in Mexico!
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Here’s my NEW ALBUM:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id980654041
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3N6SOfZYz4aBOfqrwOVKHV

See you next week and Stay Funky! 🙂



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Davie504 says:

This track is available on my New Album! Feel free to check it out 😀
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5m7SFVMTfNvv7dyqfa00G3
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1122291881?ls=1&app=itunes

Hope you'll like it!

Jose Salinas says:

very impressive… but what can you do without the neck ?

atomic gunner says:

omg the chords are so complicated!

Wtf Bro says:

I just had to subscribe after watching this damnn

PewDiePie Italia says:

very impressive, but what can you do without the bass

Oscar Benam says:

t la bajomamaste

Gostk † says:

Nailed it!!

Ale Vidal says:

very impressive, but can you do it with no bass?

Amr 6197 says:


Alessandro Ogheri says:

cooooooolest guy ever ever

Kris stout says:

impressive, but what can you do with reverse tuning on a 7 string??

Aliizkiin says:

Now this is what i call a real challenge, a well-done challenge at that.

Damien Ourmet says:

Very impressive…. but what can you do without bass?

Hoodrat says:

Very impressive, but can you play something without the guitar

Harding Rull says:

Very impressive, but can you do it without a neck?

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