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100 Acoustic Guitar Riffs and Intros

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Don Dawson cranks out 100 of the more notable Acoustic Guitar riff and intros in one-take. From Heart to SRV – Styx to the Plain White Ts – check it and be sure to comment.


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Tony Escobar says:

that was awesome , how you keep going from riff to riff was impressive!

Connor Smith says:

No offence, But you butchered most of the John Mayer songs.

Jatin Abacousnac says:

That was amazing, given that you had to rush through within 15 min. I hope that I could do 1% of this someday.

Gary Chaplinkemp says:

inspired to pick up my guitar……big thanks…

Kishin Thadani says:

This is amazing! Youre a top guitarist to remember all these and transition seamlessly fro one to the next. Great stuff!

Marcos Real says:

what about patience by guns n roses

Krajina ! says:

Broo' thiiis is so goog 😀
Every congrulations, please some more songs for acoustic 😀

Hu Zhao says:

shitty guitar or mic

C Seay says:

What a bunch of morons. This dude has mucho talent and doesnt HAVE TO put a cool vid on the tube for us to dig. Yeah, even us old guys who been dreamin of geetar proficiency since puberty, but life got in the way of our dreams. Dan, killer riffage and such. I thot it was cool as hell. Thats just an old man's op

Azureus says:

Where's the Ink Spots?! ;-;

Jeshuran Paul says:

wonderful! you should do this again with better recording equipment though

Hc Kyogine says:

dude man good work i love the song of this guitare is it a Martin ?

Akhfar barqi says:

you might want to add a break beween the riffs

Hector Trejo says:

sounds like you just slapped those strings on they sound new

Rocker Gunner says:

Why not Stairway?

Joe Doyle says:

Extreme was the best…

Kurt Perchents says:

pretty erratic strumming…

mistydawg says:

why does the guitar sound so bad

Vixo Ql says:

battery – Metallica 🙁 is best acustic intro

Markos Ares says:

You're out of tune/voicing in some of these riffs. You're a good player

Blake Reed says:

crazy on you needs work but its still good

Poo For Eyes says:

It's a shame the mic wasn't better, it would sound amazing. You're a very good player my friend.

Alieen Babe says:

So I use this video as a reference for songs to learn on acoustic and I CAN'T FUCKING GET CRAZY ON YOU TO SAVE MY GOD DAMNED LIFE

Ryan Zoso says:

Dude love the guitar playing, and your taste in led Zeppelin music

B. Podboy says:

Can you add a song list in the description with timestamps

x1PMac1x says:

The loud playing with the low audio quality is harsh. I bet this sounded a LOT better live.

YN says:

1:58 was not expecting that song oh the tears

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