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The Beatles Blackbird Acoustic Guitar Lesson + Tutorial

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I’m breaking down Blackbird by The Beatles for today’s acoustic guitar lesson! This is one of The Beatles most recognizable acoustic riffs! Check out my easy to follow guitar lesson and get ready for classic fingerpicking​ riffage.

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Boris Disco says:

You are playing it wrong. I went and learned your version, and then heard the original again. Damn it, it's all wrong. Listen closely to the bass part. It doesn't hop around with the high note, it climbs up by itself then down note by note, not up and down the whole time like the high note. That makes it 10 times harder though so there's no way I'm relearning that lol This version is fine 😂

Abby Poole says:

thank you so much! it was super helpful and really easy to follow

Xflow_ Woody says:

3:37 need it for myself u can use it if u need to

Emmett Dorothy says:

Beautiful man great job!

alienboyaz says:

Also, beginning of the phrase is all ascension – C, C#, D, Eb, E

alienboyaz says:

You have a wrong chord. The bass line on the 5th string descends to the end of the phrase. You play an E which should be C#.

Peter D'souza says:


major triad says:

For me at least a simple approach doing those chords instead of the fancy fingerings and it's still the same sound .

Joshua Judd says:

Marty… first, you are a tremendous instructor! The first songs on guitar I have learned I credit to you! However, I get what Paul is saying… this song, in its original recording, wasn't finger-picked between cords, it was strummed. I think that's what Paul was saying.

Judah Mwania says:

I stayed up till 2am playing this over and over again last night! It’s soooooo beautiful. Thanks Marty for a great lesson!

Ian Hayden says:

I love your videos thank you so much

Jane Mires says:

I love playing this tune, thanks Marty! However I seem to have an issue with the strings squeaking or slide noises etc does anyone else get this particularly with this tune?

Darkhammer 12 says:

He plays the whole thing with his first finger FYI

Ward Glass says:

More chromatics on the A string with odd E string….doesn't jump so much….. not that many would notice….. still usual brill vid from Marty as usual.

Bruce J. Walts says:

Why can't you say the names of the notes along with the fret numbers >??? I memorize songs by notes not numbers.

Dan Yarger says:

Here's my cover of Blackbird

Little Darling says:

Once I reach the 10th fret, my fingers can't play anymore. I can't form shapes and my ringinger gets stuck and can't move. I tried positioning my guitar on the other side of my lap, but it doesn't work. So I have to sit out on this one 🙁

guitareater69 says:


Rik says:

Thank you Marty for making this tutorial. I can play the whole song now!

jacob gregory says:

An hour later, fingers still hot, I FINALLY got it down. Thanks so much for the help, I’m taking a depression nap :/

Alex Roberecki says:

you are a god send

Jamie Sheldon says:

Hi Marty – I would be very keen to have a private zoom lesson with you – is this something we could arrange?

Lost Boi says:

The amount of times he failed lol!

ayo toledano says:

thank you! such a great teacher

Bla Jenkins says:

Hey Marty,

I'm having difficulties placing my index finger on the 3rd A fret while placing my ring finger on the 5th fret B. Is this something that will come naturally over time and practice? Thanks I suppose it's not wise to place my pinky finger on the B string?

Jordan Ho says:


i farted and it tickled my buttcheeks says:

ignore, this is just my marker- 15:00

Emo human says:

Just saving my spot

HawkyPlays says:

As soon I have Rocky Raccoon down, I’m coming back 😤😤

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