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Fingers hurt from playing guitar? Try this!

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So many learning guitarists press down far too hard to make their chord shapes or when playing anything. Some students call it ‘Gorilla Grip’. This exercise demonstrates how little you can press down with the right finger positioning, which should make everything so much easier!

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Arlene Jay says:

OMG genius!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Bp. Pradhan says:

It hurts so bad that I can't press hard enough that it buzzes


Talking too much

Deep Instrumental Channel says:

Watching as my fingers are soaked in ice!

Bradley Venn says:

I have lost any and all feeling in the tip of my pointer

Iris Coulter says:

Krazy Glue! That’s what I used back in the day 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ry Rivera says:

my left shoulder hurts more than my fingers😀

Adithya Dussa says:

Why does only the 1st fret of the g string feels tight and my poor index finger goes through hell while playing the chord😭


Andy I love your video.

G Gaming says:

Good job to you people who scrolled all the way down here

G Gaming says:

Is it normal that it looks like my fingers did an attempted sacrifice?

Cindy Cisneros says:

I’ve been afraid to use my capo, I’m a beginner but now I have confidence. Thank you❣️

Anita Raj says:

Thx Andy brother

Ben Leon says:

I remember when I had pain playing guitar the first month, my fingertips always got sore but, now they’re built like leather I can’t feel anything

Odette Pross says:

lmao…i have a gorilla grip play once a fortnite cos fingertips are too damn sore

Michelle Culbert says:



thank you soo much !!!! it halepd me lot

Kunal austin baruah says:

Thanks Andy Bro.

Helen Facenna says:

Always worth checking your thumb position as well. I tend to have to press harder if my thumb works its way upwards (as in towards the ceiling, not along the neck of the guitar.)

Gamer Zaddy says:

Watching this after 6 years but still it works💓

Home Cooking With Connie Keenan says:

After a couple of weeks, my fingertips are more numb than in pain. Feels weird but I still look forward to practice 🤲

Myk el says:

The people who watched this 6yrs ago are pro now , im watching this march2021🙂

Aseem Sirkeck says:

A prescription for a pair of testicles perhaps

AblAbudA says:

gorilla grip? 😏

Music From The Soul says:

Thank you i am at the beginning of my guitar journwy, i hav watched a couple of your videos, and they are all very helpful, thank you ❤🙏🏻

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