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Europe – The Final Countdown

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Backtrack: http://bit.ly/the_final_backtrack
▶︎ Guitarra Rock Online: https://hotm.art/KitGuitarraRockYtd
▶︎ Gravando do Zero: https://hotm.art/zBD57kU
▶︎ Backtracks: http://bit.ly/GuitarTracks
▶︎ Produtos Exclusivos: http://bit.ly/zoom_brasil
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Ozielzinho says:

▶︎ Guitarra Rock Online: http://bit.ly/CursoOziel
▶︎ Gravando do Zero: http://bit.ly/2UK6tRd
▶︎ Backtracks: http://bit.ly/GuitarTracks

Coolissim0 Unl1mited says:

Grandes unhas


Yg jadi mslah d sni..ada dua suara melody gitar ..mana yg asli mana yg bawaan musik….buat saya kurang menarik

Moodswin says:

English comment passing through. Dude, you are awesome 🤘

Александр Мельников says:

Умничка класс⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Hanie Ar says:

WoOoOw 🔥🔥🤘🏻🤘🏻🔥🔥

VI VA says:

лучше поздно, чем никогда) спасибо, что прыгнуло в рекомендацию! чувак, ты потрясающ!

E Mounstron says:

Increíble cover, la verdad no sé si he visto un cover tan tremendo en guitarra… bestiallll 👏👏👏👏👏

تاج راسك says:

Best guitar cover 😍

Сергей Воронков says:

ШЕДЕВР !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lorna Modrigo Cadornigara says:

Galing mo lods. Mani-mani lang sayo. Sana all.👍

Jk K says:

Com certeza o melhor da América do Sul.

oscar master says:

Gibson les paul?😇😲😲😲

Raoul Michela says:

Che bel suono!

Emanuel Vanderhorn says:

only the magician can do this song…

Fernando Lopez says:

Podías tocar en el grupo que quisieras, únete a Whitesnake en sustitución de Doug Aldrich o a Ratt en sustitución de Warren de Martini, o a Dokke por George Lynch jajajajaja. Eres buenísimo.

momentumrecordingstudio says:

Awesome. Isn't the guitar the greatest instrument when played fabulously
like you do ? Thanks for inspiring me !

Joao pereira says:

Melhor do mundo

Raffael Rameh says:

Que loucura!!!! Sensacional!!!

Manuel Jacinto says:

Tive que vir ouvir pela enésima vez.

RYT Guitar Channel says:

Amazing performance! Fantastic!!

adilson monteiro da silva says:

O cara toca muito tá doido

Jose Marchal says:

Este hombre es una máquina

LuNaTiiQxx. says:

You are a legend.

KMP Relax Music says:

keren gaess..

Railton Nascimento says:

Acabei de descobrir que não sei tocar kkkkkkkkkkk

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