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I Did the "Spider Walk" for 30 Days (THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED!)

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There are the basic, (1, 2, 3, 4), guitar fingering exercises that almost everyone’s tried, and then there are more structured guitar exercises (hardly anyone does).

In this video, I show the unique “Spider Walk” guitar exercise and I talk about the value in doing it for even just 30 days. This exercise is best practiced in two ways.

The first is a “fixed finger” approach. The second approach involves designing a pattern to follow within a playing position of the neck. Then, modifying that pattern as you play within a two string region.

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joseph nobile says:

Thanku spider 🕷 🕷 🕸 spider,like ur crawling us threw this,nothing creepy crawly bout any of it,remember the who song,boris the spider, song was fun like it

Cärlos Dänger says:

Well, I'm on day 2 of exercise 1, and I'm pretty convinced I should just lose my fingers in an industrial accident and toss my guitars into a firepit. Thanks for that, I guess.

David Bentz Jr. says:

Walking back down you should make your fingers go in reverse order as well i would think. I dunno, I only play some piano as a hobby.

Nifnix says:

God I hate this exercise

Rob Lucas says:

Great excercise

Guitar Companion says:

Hi did you cut the pickguard to install that midi pickup or did you do it without cutting. If so how can I install my gk3 on my new strat without cutting the pickguard?

𝒟 𝒾 𝓂 𝓊 𝓈 𝒽 𝓀 𝒶 𝒯 𝓮 𝓇 𝓮 𝓃 𝓉 𝓎 𝓮 𝓋 says:

You need one more

Yogurt Milk says:

anyone else cramp really bad when doing it

Jack Saint Jack says:

It was 1973 and I was learning to play rock/blues guitar but felt I was getting nowhere. In the ad page of the Rolling Stone Mag, was a simple ad. Send me $10 and self addressed stamped envelope and I will send you a drill that is magic and will dramatically improve your playing. I did. A week later I get a simple 1 page hand scrawled diagram which was all about doing this exercise. I would start 3rd fret low E and work my way across to the first string alternate picking the whole way. Then I would move up a fret and starting on the high E string, work my way back across. All the down the neck and then all the way back up. Over a couple of weeks my finger independence and synchrony improved dramatically. The best $10 i ever spent.

Randall Acton says:

I’ve noticed that the majority of players have long skinny fingers but mine are short fat will this technique help in my playing abilities???

Comment Deleted says:

fixed finger exercise: okay, got it
everything after: wot?????

I feel retarded

Steven Austin says:

…or you can just search for 'metronome' on youtube, its much quicker

John Skerlec says:

I remember years ago going over a sight reading book where exercises were presented for reading rhythm on a page. As extra practice the author suggested reading from right to left, and from bottom to top across each bar. I loved that idea because it allowed me to influence my own development. Applied to spider walking across the strings, changing up the order of the fingers from say 1,2,3,4 to 1,3,2,4, or, whatever you can think of, and then working your fingers from 6th string, to 4th string to 2nd string, then 1st string, 3rd string and 5th string, and any number of other variations, is a great way to extend that practice. Personally I also practiced in other time signatures, like (6th string) 1,2,2,3,3,4,4, (5th string 1,2,2,3,3,4,4, (4th string etc). works like a 6/4 time. Or, you might want to try, (6th string) 1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4, (5th string) 1,4,1,2,1,2,3,2,3,4, etc. Great for developing independence.

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