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The Secret to Lead Guitar

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Play electric guitar. How to play lead Guitar. Play electric guitar scales. Learn to play lead guitar. Lead guitar for beginners.

From the Secret Guitar Teacher site: http://secretguitarteacher.com/youtube/intermediate/electric/AToibIUfmkw/83670528-the-secret-to-lead-guitar.php

Blues scale in 5 positions

When I was 15 years old one of my brothers’ friends was playing some cool blues riffs on his guitar and I asked him — how do you do that?

He tore an empty cigarette packet down one side, opened it out and, grabbing a ballpoint pen, he Scrawled down five grid patterns with little circles on them and handed it to me.

Learn those! Was all he said.

At the time I had a feeling like I had just been initiated into the Inner circle of Lead Guitar Players.

Now, nearly 40 years on, I know that that feeling was accurate. My lead guitar playing really took off from that point on!
Since then I have made it part of my life’s mission to pass on that initiation!

But you’re lucky – Look I’ve even written out the diagrams neatly for you!
Let’s go through them one at a time.

We’re learning a system that will enable us to play in any key, but for the sake of keeping things simple to start with we are going to learn all five positions in the key of E.

OK so those are the 5 positions of the Blues scale in E. Learn those really thoroughly and start using them as a warm-up exercise.

If you want to really develop fast as a lead guitarist then check out the Secret Guitar Teacher’s Gym Pentatonic Scale Drill — the pentatonic patterns are only one note different so you will soon figure out how to apply the same principle to the blues scale.

OK See you in the next lesson


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ShadowMosses 1998 says:

Now i can kill sum time.

Tony Freeman says:

Looks good to me so just started to play a little lead hope this will help me ?

MrMajar9 says:

I d like to hear you actually PLAY some music !

Daniel Johnson says:

I love these lessons. Amazing and thank you.

Tony Gramazio says:

Thank you .

AE Guitar says:

Why are you only playing the flat 5 in one place? If it's part of the scale, shouldn't it be played every time it comes up like all the other notes of the scale? Misleading…

Gari Yu says:

Thanks for this. God bless bro

ron newton says:

Thanks for these scales I will add them to my repertory .

Bill Trotter says:

Great lesson. Thanks….My first, but not last, visit.

Quang Đoàn Xuân says:

Thank you very much !

Joshua Aiken says:


George Straughn says:

Great information for you to share! Thank you very much.

dubnessIII says:

Quick note: If you learn these 5 positions, then you can utilize them in the relative major as well. For instance, if you know the blues scale in Em, it will be the same for the relative G major scale. That way you can play major or minor all up and down the neck.

Richard Erickson says:

I've read some of these comments and I am reminded of the old maxim…"opinions are like, well, you know…everyone's got one." Thank you for a very interesting and useful lesson. There are endless variations on everything and this is one. I enjoyed it and will add it to the bag. Everybody is a freakin expert and/or critic…what's that other old saying? "if y'all can't say something nice, shut your dang mouth" …. or something like that.

Tony Evans says:

hey i believe you're tuned down 1/2 step and it didnt appear anyone in the comments had told you and it wasn't clearly written in all caps in the description so i thought i should let you know.

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