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TOP 10 songs for CLASSICAL guitar you should know!

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*Tabs (with our without musical notation) available on Patreon*

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Guitar: Ortega Honey Suite C/E
Guitar mics: Neumann KM-184 – http://amzn.to/2A5WLhq
SE Electronic Voodoo VRII – http://amzn.to/2kKa9oq


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Paul Davids says:

One thing I forgot to mention:
This does no justice to the 'real' classical/flamenco/bossa player. This is for mostly 'pop' guitarists, like me, who happen to have a nylon string lying around and looking for some fun stuff to play on it 🙂

Synq Leadz says:

Lucid Dreams?

Øivin Fjeldstad says:




vadivel raj says:

Really superb my friend

Hamdika Dika says:

Classical e ndi cok

josh h says:

This man's looks like Paul Rud's brother…

duskasc says:

Tocar flamenco con púa… Eso es un sacrilegio!!!!
Por lo demás… 👏👏

TheLastLemon says:

Shape of my heart sounds exactly like lucid dreams is that supposed to be a thing or

zerojtr10 says:

i have an acoustic, electric and classical. my classical guitar is the most precious thing to me, it just carries so much emotion inside of it that it sounds gorgeous

walter'o brien says:

Love the finish of your guitar

Krusty Pizza says:

That guitar is so pretty, it looks like when you pour creamer into your coffee

Moses Muansang says:

I don't have one nor a basement.. i think I'm just poor.. but music is life

Karen Pacheco says:


Cameron Russell says:

for shape of my heart throw a capo on the second fret and its fairly easy to play

Favio Espitia says:

What is the first piece called?

Mohammed Amara says:

good job you look like ben affleck

Chi Lok Tsoi says:

What is the name of the first piece?

spideyh2000 says:

hi, what kind of classicla guitar do you have? the sunburst one.

Jkr Shikspear says:

6:41 anal sunshine <♡

Jaomi Suarez says:

2:56 deeespaaacito :v

FroztyMonzty MLBB says:

*when you just realized that lucid dreams is a year old*😆

HtstckKev says:

2018 that’s first song is lucid dreams

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