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ALL judges shocked! The boy tore the hall by playing the guitar.

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What's his name, please ?

sakarinis says:

Boy with a girly voice

Aaron Harris says:

pretty cool he's playing the Yngwie Malmsteen signature Strat

Nick Ireland says:

I've no doubt the kid smokes but it is ultimately boring metal style crud.

Karlene Ho-Lung says:

guitar good. But it's a voice competition

Larry Ariscon says:

Can you play " Holiday" by Scorpiorn…your voice levels to this. Good luck on your journey….

Joyce Jackson says:

That was beautiful. those judges truly suck majorasz

Peter Mertin says:

Not a Talent its a Joke. ….sorry

Joe mama says:

Good job Young man. keep it up.

romy denis says:

A sub-title would have been nice…

TheOfficial Nishant says:

these judges are morons. ✌

elhigh says:

Wow. That kid looks an awful lot like David Cassidy from back in the day.

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