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Autumn Leaves – Yenne Lee plays 2004 Pepe Romero Jr.

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Guitar: 2004 Pepe Romero Jr. (http://tinyurl.com/yakh7kab)
Here’s Yenne Lee with her arrangement of the Joseph Kosma standard Autumn Leaves. She’s playing a great 2004 Pepe Romero Jr. classical guitar in cedar and maple. Recorded at the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA.

Huge thanks to the folks at Apogee Electronics (ApogeeDigital.com) for the use of their Ensemble interface in these recordings.


All proceeds from monetization of this video goes to the GSI Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises money to support music education in public schools. Visit our site for more information: https://gsifoundation.org


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marshanda anggita says:

At minute 4:06 like Romance D'amor song.

Dionisio Campos says:


Chauffaud Laura says:

Sublime !!! Felicitaciones y muchas gracias por tanta belleza y magia

Nguyên Hải Đoàn says:

Touch my heart. Im Crying

Nguyên Hải Đoàn says:

Perfect for my love

Spring Wang says:


J. B. says:

920 deaf people


Incredible, very beautiful, great arrangement

陳南志 says:


Khanh Tran says:

Em nay ma dit nuoc khonh

김상주 says:

아름다운 선율 감사합니다.댓글이 전부 영어라 한글댓글이 필요해보여 올려요

廖Kevin says:


Martial PERRIN says:

Superbe interprétation. Beaucoup d'impressions et d'émotions. Un son magnifique. Un petit sourire aurait été le bienvenu.

Bruno Brunelli says:

And I love her!

James Webb says:

You know sometimes you hear a piece of music and it stops you in your tacks, you just got to listen, you can't help it. This is one of those tunes. Absolutely beautiful.

Jose Marques De Moraes says:

Zeze mota cantora

weedwormschlag says:

Wow! Already ordered the sheet music after only hearing once.

Daniel Rolando Cano Gaspar says:

Apreciable técnica, Muy buena interpretación…

sbrazao7 says:

Lindo. Muito lindo.

Jose Rivera says:

ça c'est Les Feuilles mortes

Rıdvan Yavuzlar says:

🙏💕👍🏼💐😍🤷🏽‍♂️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 0 hata!… Duygu 👍🏼🤔😉 Bravo!…

Séneca Ackerman says:


Stéphane Bolo says:

Vous me faites rêver…

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