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Billy Gibbons Guitar Lesson Video

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Billy Gibbons Guitar Lesson

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“Freeway” by John Galt
Download the mp3 at imjohngalt.com


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Michael Mendillo says:

Who the man,,,,ha, ha, ha

Scott Russell says:

beard of wisdom 🙂

rudythecat1954 says:

He walked into Guitar World on 14th St. in New York this past weekend. All the sales people were excited!!

Rozh Seow says:

anybody have some tabs on these things?

guerillajournalist says:

What amp is Billy using? That amp just sound evil in the best possible way…

johannaiguanna says:

I got goosebumps listening to him play.

George Hoberg III says:

Thanks fer takin' the time ta show us a li'l sump'n BFG.
I'd love to sashay up and down the guitar neck and
enjoy expressing myself as much as you seem to.
Ya got it goin' on Dude… Keep Right On Truckin'.
Truck til the Wheels don't Roll.

Texas Muddog says:

Billy's Bad, cause' he's Nation Wide, and a Texas Legend!

Cella Dorrn says:

thumbs down for taking all search words in the deskriptions to get klicks
and money is NOT nice

Nate Gottesman says:

i'd sell my soul to play like him

huskvarsm says:

he the man shit that gave me chills

Rarebird67 says:

Tres Hombres… Coolest of dudes.

Jeet226 says:

That's just awesome! Thanks for posting it and thank you Billy! You are one of my favorites!

Check this month's (January 2009) of Guitarplayer magazine to read what Jeff Beck says about Billy!

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