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Buckethead – One of the best, most emotional versions of Soothsayer Live @ Gothic 9-28-2012

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Front row with great audio and great view that gets better towards the end.


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Sjoerd De Natris says:


vintastic319 says:

buckethead AKA the pinky of death

Jim Dunstan says:

When you have tons of talent but are locked into a gimmick that you can't escape.

Brian Wagar says:

Global warming…..

James Martin says:

Best guitar solo ever. Yeah, the whole song is a solo, and Slash has nightmares listening to it.

Gavino Guerrero says:

Great show at the Aztec down town.

Dominic Mauricio says:

That was amazing, where have I been?

Kevin Speight says:

So Bucket head is really just Steve Vai w a les Paul right…. !?! 🤷‍♂️


If this guy and Slash would get together, magical stuff would happen.

Michael Härtel says:

Nächstes mal wickelst du die Saiten, sonst kommst du nie an eigene Zuschauer… Kinder… 😉

Graham Willis says:

Each guitarist has their own merit and failure its all about musical taste at end of the day no guitarist is the best ever its a pointless and worthless statement you can debate until your blue in the face. Alot of great guitarists get overlooked and no media attention which I find very annoying.

Emilio Rojas says:

Is this shit for real? This has to be the best guitar performance I've seen

Shawn T says:

He’s like a race car driver pushing the rpms , looking for another gear.

StandUniteFight USAUSAUSA says:

Um??? Idk if I can get into & dig a dude with a KFC bucket on his head? Looks like some far leftist progressive snowflake socialist shit to me?? However, I will give this my full attention because I DO NOT always claim to be right & admit when I am wrong.

Антон Воскобой says:


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