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Guitar note names – learn the names of the notes on a guitar in 4 easy steps

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Part 2 – http://youtu.be/Ju5PfXy2S4M

Printable eBook with charts

How to remember the names of the notes on you guitar in 4 easy steps.

Step 1 – memorize the names of the strings
Step 2 – memorize the names of the notes on the bottom E string
Step 3 – memorize the names of the notes on the A string
Step 4 – learn octave patterns

Once you have learned to name the notes on your guitar you will always be thankful. If you want to understand guitar theory or learn to read music, this lesson will be invaluable to you in future years. But if you don’t want to learn to read music or theory, it is still essential to know the names of the notes on at least the bottom E and the A string.

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Kaito Takamoto says:

…i can't import to my brain..

Ganesh Rawat says:

Your beginning is soooo unpleasant

skitsy17 says:

this is best so far i figured bead but 2/2 and introducing octaves up and down as well is counterintuitive for beginner going abcdefg not reverse. best lesson subbed

Jesus Nava says:

😮 this video explained it so so good thanks

Enrique Ardon says:

Ur a big help

Arvind tenneti says:

thank u so much very easy to told us.

kevin davis says:

Thanks for posting this i have memory loss due to a head injury and this video is the best one i have found for me to remember the notes

Kevin Li says:

Why no C & D notes on B (2nd) string in your chart?

ItsHD Vlog says:

Wow! I’m use this! Gotta go learn this now ;D

Mui MasMacho says:

In everything, there is a key to understanding. And when that light goes on, then everything falls into place. It's the essential stepping stone to become sufficiently skilled, or competant, at anything.
And now i get this. So thanks. You really nailed it on this one, and in short order too.
This "formula" should be printed on cereal boxes!!! eh?

So, now that you've transformed me into an aficionado geetar virtuoso-ocity prodigydoo, and mensa candidate, can you do one for fuggin' ALGEBRA next?
Fourty plus years and i still haven't decypherided that sucker yet. (which is kinda bad for a rocket surgeon like me.)

IllSmurda says:

After all the videos I’ve watched this is by far the simplist way I’ve seen it . I’m a brass player so my knowledge on reading music is there .

Shiva Bhandari says:

This really help me out..wow❤️

gurlio says:

This was so helpful! Thank you for this!

fernandograffiti25 says:

What do the numbers mean on a chord sheet?

ANN MarY says:

Every boy gets dinner after evening

Guitar Assistance says:

Any beginner guitarists out there? if so drop by my channel i've just started making videos but would be happy to do some q&a or responses on there for any problems/questions you might have?

Art says:

Thank you so much for these valuable information! 💕

CommanderTeck2 says:

Thank you very much 😀

Gilbert Canales says:

More difficult than it really is. Once you know open strings use you just follow the alphabet down each string knowing half step between bc and ef.

Glide Consulting says:

wow how eye opening is this video …never seen it explained this way… light bulb went off and changed everything thank you so much

No one says:

This is the best guitar lesson I've ever watched. It explained everything perfectly. Thank you sir

oren elad says:

A = La
B = Si
C = Do
D = Re
E = Mi
F = Fa
G = Sol
For those who need the Do scale

Abeng Tebaran says:

Wow l met youre the guys that m waiting for sharrin the guiter .thanks for your lovely notes on the guiter.

yuuki konno says:



I just memorised A BC D EF G A

GrizzlyGopher says:

Incredible explanation. Thank you!

GrizzlyGopher says:

Every Artist Does Good Before Evil

Rob Ransom says:

I teach with Every Animal Does Good Before Easter…I love the Elephants and Dogs,God Blesses Everything! God Bless you buddy!!! Rob

RAM says:

Eddie ate Dynamite….. I guess that's what inspired "Eruption."

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