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Impossible Guitar solo

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Sean Clancy Live performing Fritz Kriesler. The impossible part is doing this piece at this speed (and in the pocket). I also don’t take the whole 80’s guitar thing seriously (and nobody should!) So, I’m deliberately mocking myself here. It always strikes be as ridiculous that some guys check it out and say “I’ve seen faster – you suck”… I can play pretty easily at 8 notes per click at 208 but I’d rather play something musical, than chromatics and pointless non-diatonic sweeps. There’s a better quality version of this on my site or www.prolevelguitar.com


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MarcoKaz says:

all the arpeggios and sweeps I can only envision super mario running throught the castle undergrounds.

Phil Dean Iggar says:

the description is so true!i remember when i seen the video "neo classical sweep" where it had gentaro satomura playing a neo-classical demonstration,and there was this one dick who just comments"this is nothing,jeff loomis can do 7-string sweeps" like if he just completely ignored the music and was focused solely on technique.it's actually one of my favourite songs

Hinn Frækni says:

Pretty decent actually, for being a mock on Y.J.M

LutzBrux1 says:

Nice playing…. thaks for uploading it.

lawyerwithachainsaw says:

Hey, that was fun. Thanks for posting.

Sean Clancy says:

Once again – Not all of these are sweeps some of the arpeggios are alternate picking – and there are better copies of this video on my site and also on my youtube profile. Also on my profile is a video of me playing slow and (I believe) with soul. Thanks for your responses! Sean

Alex Jameson says:

Even if it was impossible…. every thing is possible in this world! 😀 no offence to anyone

Gl4nG3R says:

What was this filmed with, a fucking toaster?
Good playing though

ACDCandGNR1 says:

I would say the solo is hard, but not impossible because one person can play it.

Jack Alexander Goss says:

The description justifies it, so everyone please shut the hell up :')

DeathRattleShakinng says:

awesome dude.keep up the good work

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