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Learn How To Play Guitar – Beginner Guitar Lesson #1

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Do you want to learn how to play guitar? This guitar lesson for beginners is the first in a series of twelve videos called the Beginner Guitar Quick-Start Series. Each of the twelve guitar lessons covers essential information that will provide you with a solid foundation for playing the guitar. It is recommended that you go through each video in the order they are presented.

This series of guitar lessons for beginners covers topics like: tuning your guitar, how to hold your guitar, parts of the guitar, technique for both hands, how to strum, how to play your first chords, and even how to play your first song on the guitar.

You can find the rest of the beginner guitar lessons in this playlist:
– http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=…


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Mahananda Baruah says:

very stupid video

Blake Rodriguez says:

Hi guys I am new to the guitar but not to music!!!

Do y'all teach how to read sheet music on the guitar or only tabs?

It will make my life easier to learn sheet cause I was classically trained

Patrick Johansson says:

Thanks will try this and comment when done 🙂

Mad Bruce says:

Thanks so much

Lucy M says:

What guitar make is that?

Wolfy Play's 101 says:

Nate I struggle with C cord I can't seem to make it make the correct sound I'm 11 years old I got my guitar 🎸 for my birthday I love it and can't wait to play songs and make up my own song please help me with this problem I would appreciate it so much

Non Idle says:

Absolutely appreciate the encouragement!

Amie-amelia Ramos says:

Thank you for the lessons 😉💘

mad_titan THANOS says:

Hi I am Vandal Savage and I am gonna learn a guitar with your help

Dahl Official says:

This is really helpful Thanks!

이채주 says:

damn he's pretty savage

Lovely says:

hi I'm Nate Savage

Giovanny Martinez says:

my dad likes your vid

Dancopedia says:

Hello Sir, I just bought a guitar, so are these videos for me. Means are these videos for beginners like me.


How many days?

Kick Start says:

I have a guitar and all…
But its out of tune because my cousin played with it
And i have NO IDEA how to fudging fix it.
Tried searching and everything but i have no idea how to do this lmao

Harrison Hunter says:

is this a good series? wanting to learn guitar

misk hemitsu says:

thanks for the video!! i'll make sure, i'll make some good results!!

Izzy G says:

i understood everything in this lesson, looks like this is gonna be pretty easy

Priyansh Bordia says:

which company produce best quality of acoustic guitars..

Adil Laajili says:

هاد الخراي هدر كتر وماعزف توزة تفو عليك الكافر بالله

people 's says:

Which guitar is better for beginners,, electric or acoustic…

Hey Itskelsie says:

I want to play the guitar bc I'm just boredddddddd 😂

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