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Learn To Solo In 5 Minutes – Beginner Guitar Lesson – 6 Note Soloing Technique

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Grab your FREE PDF for this beginner guitar lesson here: http://guitarzoom.com/lp/learn-to-solo-in-5-minutes/


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Bobby Hull says:

Thank You Steve This is x-actly what I needed.

NoteyouraveRage says:

This. Imo this is the best way for 1 to learn, start by simple stuff & will make you want to learn the harder stuff! Rock on!

Peter Sacramento says:

This was very helpful thanks bro

Josefine Josefine says:

Very helpful thank you!

YTP Lortedo says:

awesome! thanks 😉

Celtic Tyrant says:

Thanks I can't wait until I can play Circle of the tyrants & Sweet home alabama

Neacsu Marius says:

the best guitar class ever seen !!!!

T. Rose says:

That's cool! It makes sense. Thank you!!!

carlos rodriguez says:

dude your awsome seriously hepled!!!

Craig Seaborn says:

Steve very cool , thanks !

Rhino the Dino says:

What pedals did you you use for that solo

John Isaac says:

play or don't play, fast or slow, high or low, hard or slow but still I love tat mind blowing

Christopher Walls says:

Thank you so much. Very helpful.

Neil Britt says:

I wish I could have watched this 25 years ago. Your videos have transformed my guitar playing over the 3 months. Thanks.

Cheechako says:

Steve, U go to fifth fret (A) but ur playing 7 fret. Would u please explain me why?

Robin Forrest says:

I'm 52 omg. so if 46 is "cut off age" how come I just learnin how to do this in 10 minutes when aller I could do before was rythme stuff with barre chorus?
thanks Steve 😊

Widey xyz says:

not just beginners but us longtimers are learning too…great work…thanks Steve


I just hope I had an electrick guitar 😞

László Kosztyu says:

Man! This is what a beginner really needs. Thanks!!

Martin Mekwan says:

Steve, you'r the Man of Guitar Math! Great! Great! GOD bless!

tina new artist says:

nice thks steve

bjiggs01 says:

I can see why so many students have come to you. Excellent teaching skills!

Ken Prevette says:

Awesome lesson. Thanks

Pedro Castillo says:

good teacher God bless you

Carl Dulin says:

Thanks mr.Steve what a great teacher …oh btw you look like kurt cobain ..just kiddin..:)

Willie Leniek says:

Hey Steve that was a really great lesson! Besides being clear it was really POSITIVE!! Thank you so much!!

Helison Alba says:

o/o/o/ Awesome!!!

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