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IMPORTANT: I had too write this because I feel like 7000 hours is a pretty bold statement. This is not 7000 hours of PURE practice. It’s making tablature (with help of the guitar) arranging songs, figuring out new melodys and a lot more. You kind of get the idea. My approach had never been blood sweat and tears. I’ve always practiced in a way that makes long days with the guitar possible. Right now I’m working part time with youtube. That means i’m working part time with guitar. If we talk intense practice, let’s say you’re low on time. I think 2 hours is huuge for your progress. If you manage to fit that in you will be an amazing player in a couple of years.

Thanks to Fender PLAY I can do Youtube part-time. If you want to learn acoustic/electric guitar and become better than me, this is the place to go. Right now they’re offering a 30-day FREE trial https://prf.hn/click/camref:1100l4cMG so you can try it out. (They even have a sleek app). Try it out now! I wish this existed when I started learning

Follow me on Instagram for more videos https://www.instagram.com/mattiasyoutube/?hl=sv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mattias_krantz/


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Leon Alex says:

Wow! Thanks for letting us know about "Fender PLAY" Mattias! I will definitely sign up for a 30 DAY FREE TRIAL and improve my guitar playing! You are the best Mattias!

Eden says:

I've been playing since I was six, and, behind blue eyes.. like that? after just thirty hours. lol. No way. congrats.

Flesdop says:

Until you start using your guitar as a drum and every guitarist pukes at you

Mike Coxk says:

Ok so in seven years there are 2555 hours so something doesnt add up here

tn. arifms says:

telah habis sudaaah

cheese crumbs says:

8:31 LOL Overproud Indonesian 😂🤣

Kesh Likes Cake says:

i feel demotivated. 🙁

like moto says:

9:55 song please?

John Apperson says:

wow man! INSPIRED!

Bo Peregrine says:

Thanks making this video bro you really inspired me to keep on practicing.

med med says:

Talent have a lot to do in this
There is also golde hacks like air change and finger stretching these 2 are game changers

Alisux says:

why would anyone do this?

Anthony Mauro says:

literally nobody else saw him turn asian

Mike Sager says:

If you don't have a harp guitar…you NEED to get one.

Mike Sager says:

Beautiful…I hear Michael Hedge's influences. Incredible talent you have! 10,000 hours will be "scary" what you will be able to do.

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