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Steve Vai (Incredible Guitar Performance)

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This is Steve Vai playing I’m The Hell Outta Here at the Eric Clapton Crossroads Guitar Festival in 2004. He does an excellent performance here stunning everybody in the crowd!!!!


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Yoni Kup says:

All steve Vai does is play a million notes per second, he has no feel.😅😂

Nene Clusters says:

Acho que tem guitarrista bem melhores q ele como o Petrucci the best

Andrew Devine says:

Imagine devoting your whole life to playing this cheesy shit…

thezoexperience1 says:

Didn't know Tom Morello played with Steve Vai

thezoexperience1 says:

Did anyone else notice the bad editing at 1:55? It has always bugged me. Lol

Karsten Johansson says:

Steve seems to have his face in the wind a la Uli Roth. j/k great jam!

arnyarny77 says:

vai no direction meandering….mac alpine classical ism

Yago Reck says:

So, this my friends… is the power of cocaine.

Ronald Turpin says:

These guys are as tight as a nun pussy

Stratman 1944 says:

Some people call this music; I call it unintelligible noise generated by an exceptional guitarist whose talents are totally wasted churning out shit like this!!!

tobiasku1 says:

Neuveritelny.Steve je genius,ta houslistka se zdaleka nestratila a basak?No nemam slov.

K Pete says:

To play that well and have fun doing it has to be top of the world.

Mert 4 says:


Luna Quinn says:

This is my favorite performance ever! Need to see him live

PeterDad60 says:

Well it is LOUD & fast!
Is this Music? No! How about this is Loud forceful noise. Especially for head bangers or people high on drugs. But Music? No, nothing to listen too! Ask yourself, can you hum any of this? Is there a catchy tune anywhere here?

Hagetaka Washizu says:

The Mr.Entertainer!!!

Pablo Cruise says:

This song sounds a lot like his mentor satchmo…

Seraf Pano says:

The drummer has the hardest job of all. Rock n roll FOREVER

Seraf Pano says:

Who the fuck is this drummer? Hahahaha. Keeping up with them. Unbelievable

-Chiino- CR says:

This remember me a music of DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 lol

Cristián Daniel León Moya says:

Quallity sucks!

Mesaka Putea says:

Kings of king

Partrick TheOne says:

this shit is so sick, so amazing, it blew my mnid, anyone got tabs for this?

Jcm800 says:

Tony macalpine tone is just superb

Pallav Chaudhary says:

is this heaven? where am i

Hurricane Society says:

THAT is what i call a PERFORMANCE!!!

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