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Taylor Swift and Zac Efron Sing a Duet!

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This incredible duo teamed up to perform an ‘original’ song for Ellen! They may not have had a lot of rehearsal, but it’s clear that this is one musical combo it would be great to hear a lot more of.



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Darren Knowles says:

Ellen's show WOULD clap on 1 and 3 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Grace Miller says:


frank gallagher says:

Lets be real it was about 20 lessons but said one to make him look good

Palak Katyal says:

Save taylor

Rob Jeff says:

WOW, that was amazing!!!!!

Coloxus says:

Yo quiero una profesora de guitarra como Taylor, tiene muy buena onda y muy simpática.

Ian Kenneth Comiso says:

So zac can really sing?

Инсаф Фирдинадович says:

Hm… Foster the people music))

Jill Horvat says:

Still makes me laugh and smile when I see this. Great job Zac and Taylor. ❤️❤️

Reh Pinheiro says:

Who said Troy Bolton can't sing there?

Kunj Harbhajanka says:

Phoebe teaching Joey guitar

Kwentong Hiwaga says:

talented so much <3

Goran Radic says:

Ellen is a complete idiot.

Imane says:

we all talk about dakota johnson but we dont talk enough about that i swear

Mark Bartolotta says:


Callista Zara Aurelia says:

Ted and Audrey (The Lorax) duet! That is because Ted is voiced By Zac Efron and Audrey is voiced By Taylor Swift

Cathy Hiles says:

Lol. That's cute.

Lizzychann says:

if your watching this 11 years later your an legend

Jenna Campbell says:

2:23 she looks so humbled💀💀

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