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this is the heaviest bass ever

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@Davie504 says:

that's very heavy

@NguyenNguyen-jr1cy says:

What is the biggest bass in the world?

@BOAnimation says:

Enter me🤓

@Zachalamari69 says:

What's the stupidest 🅱️(Ass) You have

@Post.nut_Clarity says:

davie… if you're going to take the time to convert the weights into pounds, at least do it the right way—without a comma separating the numbers. when you say "point," a "." is expected to be its representation.

@raffylauron2659 says:

"as your mom-"
"Mom's heart"
Likes instantly

@octovore_shobon says:

my mom is a horrible person but thanks davie very nice

@danviferahr1426 says:

I mean, my mom would be heavier than 10 kilos, so that's fair

@daelium89 says:

Diamond play button bass

@kipu44 says:

Another excuse to show the diamond bass. 🙂

@olisigmetal1893 says:

What about the 24 strings bass?

@MarkErikEE says:

You need to be reported to the meme authorities.

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