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This Should Be Everyone’s First Guitar Lesson

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*PLEASE SHARE WITH ANY NEWBIE GUITARIST 😉 **For the free tuning video go to: https://www.the-art-of-guitar.com/tuning-with-an-electronic-tuner
I’ve been teaching over 25 years now and realized that when I taught this free introductory lesson, 98-99% of the students came back and signed up. Here it is both for teachers and for new students. Check out all my videos at: http://www.the-art-of-guitar.com and/or Patreonize me at: http://www.patreon.com/theartofguitar Thanks!


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1Lifeonearth says:

You kinda remind me of a PowerRanger. I'm not sure which one though.

The Vibemaster says:

almost a year old

moonix says:

i cannot use my fingertips as i have these things called nails

Giancarlos Rosales says:

I never knew hold a pick was something people had to learn I just kinda did it

brett vachon says:

Wah ! Triple camera angle Guitar teacher. Epic.

bill martin says:

I'm thinking if you can't hold a pick you need to shift to drums.

Tam Shari says:

Whip me down hahaha ahhhh

YaBoiJolt says:

What type of guitar is that? I wanna learn to play guitar buh I don’t really know that much 😅 buh this video was really helpful so when I do get my guitar ima come back to this video 💯

clouds says:

12:40 if i put my finger on the seventh fret the (e) string won't make sound .-.

Sam Newland says:

Great simple explanations, Well done. You did not take for granted the simple mechanics which are now just habit. I was about to start teaching my friends kids and was curios what some had posted. Thanks for posting this should get them off to an excellent start learning this great instrument.

communist gf says:

This was amazing, you literally read my mind wtaf this was exactly all the stuff that other teachers leave out of their videos

te he he says:

Love that he said I'll put it on the screen and then didnt. Good video though it really helped

Juan Engelbrecht says:

I've been wanting to play the guitar ever since I was really young. Ordered my guitar yesterday. Saw this video today. Realized it was destiny.

Thanks for the amazing lesson. You make it so easy to learn. I can already play the cords in my head. Keep up the great work!

Mikaela Bailey says:

Just picked up my first guitar ever to finally learn. This video is super encouraging and helpful. Thank you, gonna head over to your website now and DEEP DIVE!

Urban Bean says:

Bruh my dad has a weird gene that makes my pinkie not even go past my ring finger's first knuckle. Might as well chop it off.

Lloyd Hillis says:

Great learning

Walnatural says:

Him: plays guitar chord that sounds beautiful

Me: plays guitar chord that sounds like pain

Yea I think my guitar's a little out of tune

Jhenne Flores says:

hi, I wanted to learn how to play the guitar…I'm a newbie, could you please tell me what kind of guitar would you recommend?

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