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Top 10 EASIEST Guitar Solos!

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Today, we take a step back from HARD solos, and we look at some of the EASIEST guitar solos ever written!

Guitar solo tonez by Carmen Sorge!


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areamusicale says:

Any Arctic Monkeys solo ;-)

Danilo Novaković says:

Stevie why wasn't this solo on the list IDIOT! – Eddie Vedder – Society

Nathan Patterson guitar says:

he just tries too hard and tries to make everyone else feel shitty bc he knows those solos are hard but he can kinda play them so he shows off

Jack Morris says:

his lisp is that bad its worn away half his fucking front tooth

Pedro Lara says:

Tool's 46&2 solo

Eren Polat says:

This song is so easy that White Stripes can play it HADFNHASDJFHADF :D

Real Gamer says:

you'r so disturbing when you try to be funny.


unfair mainstream arpeggios from hell

GlennG (Apathy Kills) says:

Lol. I love this guy

Aaron Rodriguez says:

i cringe

Octavian Mihai says:

probably it`s sick

Dextry Blitzkreig says:

We're not gonna take it-Twisted Sister

Jason Campbell says:

Loved it!

Killer Of souls says:

I think it's charming he acts like an idiot.

Jesse Cole says:

Green Day: "I think we should just leave it how it was." I think you leave this video how it was before you made it.

Jesse Cole says:

Some people want to be funny really bad.

Martin Laurin says:

what does he have on the corner of his lips lol

Levi Hambrick says:

misfits 138
favorite band, but easy guitar solo for sure

Alexi cobhc says:

Is this guy retarded or he is acting like and idiot?

frankó gabi says:

He's so annoying…

kelvin reynolds says:

Enrique Iglesias 😄

Deniz Şanlı says:

Stop acting like a stupid please…

jardin morris says:

What happened to your face ?

Tim handley says:

nothing else matters isn't hard to play but is more musical and soulful than almost any other solo ever written.

TheJabuArmy says:

I don't understand….why wasn't eruption on this list?

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