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Zakk Wylde insane solo HD

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Zakk Wylde insane, little bit controversial performance live at Budokan 2002 Ozzy Osbourne concert.


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でもんNatsu Dragneel says:

we can say that Zakk Wylde has become wild =D

Stephen Ristenpart says:

The best ….PERIOD

pratik waghmare says:

Man!! His mere presence on the stage!!

DH says:

0:44 Dudes been hitting the weights…

dave phillips says:

the greateast

apollo slowmo says:

Same phrases as 1989 live with Black Sabbath

Robespierre1758X says:

what a lot of senseless noise but its nice to see Ozzy's giving trash men a chance

Darlei Silva says:

Quando eu crescer quero ser igual o zakk wyllde kkk

Joseph Monett says:

he's spiting like a virgin on prom nite!!!😀😀😀

Roland Lemus says:

it's a crazy Rock n Roll/metal solo! There will be no melody, no reasoning, nothing but cool lead breaks and total wild playing! That is what a solo lead does at his OWN concert, he doesn't have rules, doesn't need them, the crowd loved it!

Anonymous Fan says:

another lifeless, boring solo ._.

Matt van den Ham says:

5:49 That's how you export Americanism! Not through bullets

John Benson says:

Ole Zack has gained a few pounds!!

Comfy Gamer says:

his poor wife

Martin Krause says:

so easy to explain: Zw can play both Bach and Wes for sure, but here he's playing high speed "noise" just for ozzie's audience

blaze runner2051 says:

he gave me a boner since its so much beautiful and sexy omfg

Jørgen Alexandersen says:

im investing in a pick-company… stock value will increase by 10% after each show played by zakk…

killerbiene243 says:

oh man that guy is so cool i bet he rides a harley

WarchilledGaming says:


Narek Avetisyan says:

People paid to watch this guy jerk of a guitar for 8 minutes? lmao

Aaron Thorhammer says:

4:04 that looks very difficult.

Ryan P says:

Zakk Wylde is a really underappreciated guitarist

Saharah Desert says:

I'm not going to lie but this hurt my ears so much

Joe150 ish says:

GODZILLA 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Artimus pyle says:

Love Zakk he is crazy talented 😉

Con Petropoulos says:

First time I've really watched him. Great guitarist but spitting on stage turned me right off.

SouloHigh says:

kids these days just don't understand……..

Kees kees says:

musicians like him are very rare these days…

craig seddon says:

needs more melody

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