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10 ACOUSTIC SONGS that taught me guitar (easy to hard)

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My 20+ years of learning guitar, portrayed in 10 acoustic songs. We start with the most basic techniques, and end with something more challenging!

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Martin D-42
Collings OM2H
Yamaha Nylon

Hi, my name is Paul Davids! I am a guitar player, teacher, producer, and overall music enthusiast from the Netherlands! I try to inspire people from all over the world with my videos, here on YouTube.
If you want to know more about me, check out https://PaulDavidsGuitar.com or check out my guitar courses at: https://learnpracticeplay.com

Thank you for watching!


Below is the gear I use to make these videos. They redirect to Amazon and provide me with a small kickback should you purchase any of these things.


Vocal mic – http://amzn.to/2BVNtbV
Guitar neck – https://amzn.to/2YgdpKh
Guitar bridge – https://amzn.to/3eVXAhC

Soundcard – http://amzn.to/2xk7pSM
DAW – http://amzn.to/2fhPZjz

Camera 1 – https://amzn.to/2N4NyPX
Camera 2 – http://amzn.to/2DkDI4D
Camera 3 – https://amzn.to/2OyTy21
Lens 1 – http://amzn.to/2DF6ahR
Lens 2 – http://amzn.to/2EetpA5
Lens 3 – https://amzn.to/2FK5hqx


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Slam Dunk says:

It's like Erwan McGregor started to morph into Owen Wilson but stopped at 20%…

Aubrey Warneck says:

You are SOOO fun to watch!! Love it!!

Brett Murphy says:

Terrific. Thank you.

Jason Cross says:

Didn't expect to hear lucid dreams lmao

GotDramaAllergy says:

That trimmed Martin I saw in last video,is majestic dream..
My cousin does not play but her father gifted her a early Guild I get to play when I visit,sounds like what I imagine heaven to sound like.
Very Petite model with that bassy trait.Nice tutorial..

Sean Pankiw says:

taking a gander at the song choices
"Is there anybody out there by Floyd"
Uh.. that's not the title, ya dirty newb?
feels the idiot deep within
likes and subs out of shame

Dustin says:

That Eric Clapton song tho..

Martin Saunders says:

It‘s really surprising how many on your list are also on mine, I‘m just not as accomplished as you are. Give me time!

Vincent Gibbon says:

Brilliant – utterly captivating….. Cheers

Yashan Patel says:

Was reading the comments then lucid dreams started playing, felt uncultured

Jack Kelly says:

1. Hurt 2. Time of your life 3. Dont look back in anger 4. I see fire (first intro to finger picking) 5. Wish you were here 6. Everlong 7. My Hero 8. 1979 9. Tears in Heaven 10. Tonight Tonight

jazu says:

In Poland, all start from House of the rising sun by Animals

Viggo Wolff says:

Like everything else good, music is truly a gift from God!

Piper In NJ says:

Did you actually show that low G?? You talked about it, but I didn't see where that went…

alcon04 says:

I'm all stages back and forth, Electric guitar is great with all pedals, effects, etc.. but the acoustic guitar is a 24/7 guitar well that's my personal taste.

notfuqu bosutdol says:

The private almanac industrially change because kale phylogenetically greet under a threatening copyright. ambitious, lucky floor

Gian Luca Caputo says:

Nobody knows … is really really funny to play 😊😊👍🏻👍🏻

guitaRe says:

Hello Paul, I like your videos. As per your suggestion let me take this opportunity to share the ones I went through.. and still educating myself. 🙂 Thank you . https://youtu.be/K5bNIO6hwWg

jerold stockdale says:

My first couple guitars were acoustic so I basically learned how to play on one. I have never tried to play any of these songs though. I was obsessed with Led Zeppelin when I was first learning how to play so I was always trying to get Stairway down.

I haven't actually played guitar seriously for about 20 years. I hit a plateau for my skill where I never felt that I was improving. It was very disheartening. Having fingers that are on the short side didn't help either. I think I still have my electric guitar, an acoustic guitar and an acoustic 12 string.

I am glad that the Lindsey Buckingham song. I am not a fan of Fleetwood Mac but that song is just so damn happy! You should make a video about songs that are happy or joyful when playing.

I wanted to say thank you for making videos. You are an entertaining host and you have almost rekindled my desire to pick it up again.

Benedikt Màr says:

Deep river blues was written by the Delawer brothers,in ths thirties, the wersion you are playing is Dok Watsons,.

Andrew McGirr says:

NIN's "Hurt" is more complex and dissonant than that in the verse; were you simplifying for beginners?

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