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10 Classic Riffs! Only One Finger Needed! Beatles, Metallica, Blink 182, Green Day, James Bay,

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All the songs with their time links listed below!

►100 Riffs in One Video, Only One Finger Needed! With downloadable PDF Book!

The kinks You really got me
The Beatles Day tripper
Metallica Enter sandman
CCR – Fortunate son
James bay Hold back the river
Snow Patrol- Chasing Cars
Green day Boulevard of broken dreams
The troggs Wild thing
Blink 182 All the Small Things
James Bond Theme Song


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patdavidmusic says:

10 Classic Riffs – the first 10 riffs

10 More Classic Riffs – the second 10 riffs

10 More Classic Riffs – the third 10 riffs

J36 Gaming says:

Do you think you could chapter the songs? Just that would help a lot for when I' m coming back to refer and is also easy to see what songs you're showing off

Joel Hachat says:

Dang! God bless!

Nick N says:

As an Absolute beginner I love these vids it really helps one familiarise with the guitar as well as giving a sense of acomplishment , some of my favourites in there , You have really helped to inspire me Thank You so much
I will check out your other stuff

GG_Parker24 says:

I’ve been playing guitar for a while but I loved this video and I will be trying to memorize these songs

W12_Fish says:

I’m really struggling with Frets it hurts my hand a lot is there possibly any songs just using open strings

Rj Beckham says:

Thanks bro…God bless u

GalaxyVR says:

I have the same guitar you do

Joel Hachat says:

God bless! Thanks!

MegaMusicka says:

After 45 years old. This my first time me at your classes. I learned from this guy. For beginners like me. Very easy and the most visual timing synchronization slowww sloww slow then playing.

Bear Boy says:


liabeachy says:

If your still around do you have any advice for short fingers? Ty 😊 you make easier

liabeachy says:

Glad i found an Aussie finally showing some easier techniques . Short fingers are a bugger especially on a c chord . Cheers 😊👍🙏🏽

Lucas Tani says:

He looks a bit like a distorted Lazarbeam
(Search up Lannan Ecott)

Leiva says:

This is very helpful, thank you

Littleninja says:

you can play chasing cars alot easier just put two fingers on bottom G and E strings then on the second fret of the G string put one finger. then strum the two strings alternately then move you finger up to the first fret then do the same but on the next fret up and then
finish on the D string and alternate your plucking then you have chasing car

Doug bull says:

Want to thank you h as being the patience for begginers.i always wanted to play but parents never would get a guitar so finally 19 got a beginner guitar I been stuck just making up my ien melodies call it one string rhythms.bmniw from your lesson I learned a few songs and it helped so much I'm jiw playing 2 strings instead of one.it took 2 months just to learn the chords.u can't read music so I write it down.buf just learning these songs made it so easy I can't believe it's me playing.i went from one string to 3 in a month after this lesson.once I got the basics one string melodies somehow made it more natural to go to 2 then 3 strings.i found nirvana to be very helpful as a beginner im trying to tackle tool but not even close yet.but thanks for this just from this lesson I went from beginner to amateur.i love it.but if I didn't watch this I would still be whereby was when I first started.i I owe it to you.literally.now I need to learn how to read music learn proper tuning.your awesome 23 mind and I'm playing most iconic songs in music history

Xb0w says:

17:00 green day
5:17 Meta enter sand

the_transparent_bean_. says:

U probably wint do this nut could u do. A film video on chasing Cars drop snow patroll?

Abigail Salazar says:


DieWyre says:

Im a relative beginner, and if you can figure out how to play some great songs like swing swing, or american idiot with one finger I will be very impressed.

Gunners Boy says:

Man who sold the world

Seaice says:

i think the time links got deleted, or I can't find them? great video btw!

Justin biber says:

Thank u its really hard learning through internet for me but u made things easier 🙂

RanOutOfIdeas says:

My innocence is dead

Bill Dilks says:

I play bit of guitar

Berlyn Ingle says:

Don't worry about this comment it's just so I can come back to the best part of the video.

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