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10 THINGS I wish I knew as a beginner guitarist

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In this video we go over 10 things every beginner should know and understand.
▶Sneak peek to ACOUSTIC ADVENTURE launching MARCH 24◀

▶Massive thanks to @Ben Levin ◀


Beginner: http://learnpracticeplay.com
Intermediate: http://nextlevelplaying.com
Intermediate Acoustic: http://acousticadventure.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pauldavidsguitar

Atkin LG47

0:00 Intro
1:04 1. The importance of a good timing
2:35 2. Mapping out the fretboard
3:48 3. Connecting the notes to your voice
5:46 4. What chords sound good together?
6:55 5. Don’t be THAT guy at a party
7:51 6. How you can find all chords everywhere on the neck
9:17 7. A basic understanding of music theory
11:25 8. When do you really need new gear?
12:31 9. There are no wrong notes!
13:48 10. Learn kid songs!

Hi, my name is Paul Davids! I am a guitar player, teacher, producer, and overall music enthusiast from the Netherlands! I try to inspire people from all over the world with my videos, here on YouTube.

If you want to know more about me, check out https://PaulDavidsGuitar.com or check out my guitar courses at: https://learnpracticeplay.com and https://nextlevelplaying.com

Thank you for watching!

Below is the gear and services I use to make these videos. They redirect to websites and provide me with a small kickback should purchase any of these things.


▶SFX & Background music◀

Vocal mic – http://amzn.to/2BVNtbV

Soundcard – http://amzn.to/2xk7pSM
DAW – http://amzn.to/2fhPZjz

Camera 1 – https://amzn.to/2N4NyPX
Camera 2 – http://amzn.to/2DkDI4D
Camera 3 – https://amzn.to/2OyTy21
Lens 1 – http://amzn.to/2DF6ahR
Lens 2 – http://amzn.to/2EetpA5
Lens 3 – https://amzn.to/2FK5hqx


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Superfuzz Bigmuff says:

I don't think that Sonic Youth knew all the scales and notes they're playing)

Constructive Cuntery says:

The best advice I got was about the wording of using an instrument. You play it, play being the operative word. You can practice chords and learn scales but remembering that you are playing not trying is important. Its meant to be fun, if you get bored repeating chord patterns don't put down the guitar start doing something different that you enjoy doing. Play it, let the practice be a choice.

Jerry Howard says:

A couple of things: Spend time playing with a strap, standing up. Also, don't stare at the fretboard while you are playing.

Renee Shiao says:

your rhythm is off in that earlier clip, and your bops are very dad-like. roasted. 🥖

omi god says:

My go-to kid song is the Mickey Mouse Club march.

omi god says:

What about tips for people with arthritis? There are things I simply can't do anymore, and it stopped me from even picking up the guitar for years, but I've gone back to it, playing what I CAN still play, which turns out to be still satisfying, if not stage-quality.
I know there must be plenty of people like myself – where can we go for proper guidance when our fingers won't do all the things they used to do?

globol says:

A new guitar can definitely be an ignitor. For example, you might have stopped playing the guitar because your old guitar's playability was non-existent. Then you get a new, very playable guitar, which can really spark you to start playing again. Also, just the thrill of getting new gear can motivate you to start playing differently/practicing more etc.

Ofc this is a rather extreme example. If you already have a decent guitar, your point is correct.

Lars Ronæs says:

#7 at 9:17 What did he do here with the filming? Huge head and small body and tiny guitar, looked quite funny. Thumbsup!

Home Stuff Review says:

Something that would have helped me when I was a beginner was to know some very advanced things sooner.

Woody♪ says:

You're voice sounded great! I know I can't stop you being insecure but I assure you, you don't need to worry about leaving it in the video!

David Strike says:

there's some buzz on the audio

Jar Viz says:

This guy is a bellend, don't worry about anything just learn your own way – don't overthink it, everyone's journey is different – don't listen to some ego twat who films himself talking bollocks from numerous angles

Anonymous clock says:

Imagine being in a really warm room, singing and playing the notes the way you did, Paul.
Now, consider yourself roasted, ok.

kebman says:

The most difficult part about playing the guitar is singing in public. It's like undressing and showing all your scars in public for the first time, all the times.

kebman says:

I tried playing at the camp fire once, but once the other girls started becoming a little too enthusiastic, my jealous gf stopped the party.

kebman says:

Why is it called noodling anyway? I like noodles!

YamuhaT says:

So eloquent.. you always use the right words. Wondering if you ever use a teleprompter..? I know it’s not relevant. Just mesmerizing how you speak…

After_Midnight says:

So as a beginner I need to know all the things experienced players learned over years of practice.
This reminds of that "If you want to be rich, just earn more money." Gee, thanks. Why didn't I think of that…

Aidan Gittings says:

You’re right about buying a guitar to sound like someone only if you already love them. I was obsessed with David Gilmour solos and I was playing them on a shecter, so I got a replica David gilmour black Strat to play them better and I still love the thing

casantrix says:

what guitar is it from 7th point?

Jason McKell says:

My god man I'm glad I'm not the only one who's done EVERYTHING wrong in the guitar playing journey (Still love it though).. everything in this video is on point!

Ervin says:

I just realized i have the same guitar Paul had when he was a beginner too lol

Mister D says:

I wish I knew how important patience is for improving.

GirlgeniusNYC says:

Hey here's a question – do you own a classical guitar? I have a Cordoba and I play Mozart on it!!!

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