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11 Year old bass player throwing down the FUNK in a concert in the park

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Garland Boyd says:

this young man is bad. He reminds me of Wyman Tisdale

KingJamesHeavy says:

For every bassist that says "I could do that if my hands were bigger…" Kid is amazing!!



Tameka Tucker says:

This kid can smash!

Mike Hunt says:

"Token god damnit how times do I need to say this? You're black, you can play the bass."

Mike Hunt says:

"Token god damnit how times do I need to say this? You're black, you can play the bass."

Manoj Rangana says:

Damn kid ur a amaizen

Aad Pouw says:

When I read all those new comments here, I'm glad I know of where he is now and what a great musician he is! ;)

Ivalina Passe says:

This is my Phone Stop trying to intrude while enjoy good music. This kid is Awesome and the band. JUST AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Engelhardt Alexander says:

Hammer. saugeil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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