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5 Things I Wish I Knew As A Beginner Guitarist

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There are a lot of people picking up guitar for the first time right now, and it reminded me of what it was like to be a beginner guitar player when I first started out. These are 5 different things I wish I knew when I was a beginner guitarist.



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5805 State Bridge Road
Suite G90
Johns Creek Ga


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-Sony 24-105mm f4

-Sigma 35mm f1.4

-Sigma 50mm f1.4

-Neewer LED Panel Bi Color

-Sennheiser MKH 416 Shotgun Mic

-Universal Audio Apollo X4

-Zoom H6 Handy Recorder


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Rhett Shull says:

My first video course, The Tone Course, is available now! Check it out here.

amazing science says:

is that a miles davis shirt you're wearing, i'm a trumpet player but im just now starting to learn guitar

Deep Senpai says:

Na, the intro is not out of place😂

Dave Hebert says:

As far as your #1 goes, you can play much easier and better by placing your guitar on your left leg instead of your right. It takes a bit to get used to it, but once you do, you'll play a lot faster, smoother, and better. For one thing, your left arm will no longer have to cross your body. Also, you'll have MUCH easier access to the twelfth and higher frets. This also allows you to place your thumb firmly on the back of the neck and roll your wrist enough so that your fingers are angling straight down on the strings, and this helps you with applying the proper pressure for chords, playing with a pick, and finger-style guitar playing. It will also be a lot harder to accidentally have your fingers rest on other strings and mute them when they are meant to be played open.

Playing on your left leg (while sitting, of course) will also give you much better habits while playing with a strap standing. You'll notice that, if you play on your right leg while sitting, playing while standing gives you greater access to the higher frets. This happens because your guitar will migrate itself more to the left (naturally) because of gravity.

Peter J.C says:

Over a year later buddy and its still on, I'm still learning, play everyday, picked up about April 2020. Thanks dude!!!

Jason Hopkins says:

I remember watching this video a year ago… and I still suck at playing guitar

Arlen Margolin says:

The thought that comes to my mind as I'm listening to Brett here is how did George Harrison work within the Beatles without understanding any music theory

Arlen Margolin says:

Something I will never do again is to use my capo as a crutch that neck reset set me back a good bit of cash!

Arlen Margolin says:

Maybe some of what is said here is true but every guitar has different action some guitar players have some heavy bridge cables for strings so spring pressure is guitar to guitar person to person I think

Evolance7 says:

holy ** , you are right. no need to press the fret board as hard as humanly possible.

matthew dean says:

Hi Rhett, Re: Getting notes to ring true, I was told 20 years ago that if you move your elbow towards the headstock (away from your body) it helps to put correct pressure on the fretboard. I remember doing this on certain chords until I built up the strength to get them to ring true in a more comfortable position. Another good tip for this is to keep your nails on the fingering hand short as you will never get good fretting with a fingernail pushing the strings.

Eren Jaegerbomb says:

The moment you realise a barre chord is just E major with your finger being a capo 🤯big moment for any beginner, you feel like frikkin Neo

William Matney II says:

yup allows for more fluid playing. The human body is nearly 80 percent water – it only makes sense to play fluidly with an indirect caress like a mist as ambient with a loose fluid grip., Clamp gripping uses the accessory muscles of the back and neck of the player. If we begin wrestling with the notations of hand and finger – it is time to stop and take five. Shoulder to finger tip is usually where most of the tension should be felt when playing. Especially when laying supine and playing softly. That too is a methodology as ability progresses as a physical therapy. Supine, sitting, and standing. Another reason why some musicians place mirrors on the ceiling after traumas, strokes, and or heart attacks. Music therapy is not only an emotional and or mental therapy but also a cognitive motor function therapy. Music is an awesome method to re awake the neurons and the systematic branches of the nerves. Boston – It's more than a feeling.,

3stelle says:

When i watched the intro i put this on watch later
whenever this thing ends

sawyer behel says:

Man number two lol I lost my capo one time that’s how I got out of it 😂 have one now but yeah🥴

Alex Moreira says:

just started learning guitar now, going for my 3rd week training and i barely know 3 cords
thanks for your video, the tip about not gripping so strongly seem very helpful, thank you!

El Cid Gaming says:

I learned Guitar back in college. That was circa 2005-2009.
I stopped for years at a time being busy and stuff. Now I just learned the second part of Romance..This intimidated me when I was younger. I wish I studied these earlier ,,I deffinitely could have done it as I was better back then actually (in terms of dexterity) than today DAMMIT I even dont have my callouses anymore and I am earning them back these past few weeks.

My advice to beginners is focus first in calisthenics like spider fingers etc. If you want to take it a step further borrow and practice first with a crappy guitar but a decent enough but harder to handle,,just to give you a handicap and help you develop you callouses faster. This will be super worth it

Sam Merrill says:

Love the shirt, man!! Great video 😎👊🏻🎺

Damon Reynolds says:

THE one most important thing I wish I'd known? Basic setup
To this day it's still rarely mentioned among beginner tips, yet nothing turns off beginner guitarists more than high action.
I thought it was me, but it was the badly setup guitars cramping my fretting hand, gouging my fingers, and making barre chords hell on earth.
So, imho, the FIRST thing a beginner needs, is a playable guitar, regardless of price.

Nikolaus says:

Capo is an Italian word, therefore the pronunciation isn't cay-po, but rather car-po, with a Boston accent.



1. Don't press the strings and grip too hard. The thumb should be at the back of the neck and not curving over it.

2. Know what notes/chords you're actually playing after you put a capo on. Know the theory behind major, minor chords, keys.

3. Learn really fundamental music theory- the major scale, basic chord theory (major and minor triads), 7th chords.

4. Play with others, especially people better than you so you can learn new things.

5. Find a teacher.

6. Learn your gear. Be informed on the use of all the controls on your guitar and how to utilise your amp.

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