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Alan Walker using the guitar #Shorts

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Alan Walker using the guitar #Shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #guitar #guitarchords #guitarcover #alanwalker #alanwalkerstyle #alanwalkerremix #alanwalkermusic #faded #fadedcover


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Santiago Ordoñez-Radio PODCAST says:


Santiago Ordoñez-Radio PODCAST says:


Abuov_Asilzhan says:


Josue David Sanchez Ramirez says:

No se si reirme por un ser un video que solo busca visitas y no da la combinación correcta😂 además se nota que esas cuerdas se tocan solas igual si quieren ver la combinación bajen un par de comentarios y hay esta

Isaac Rojas says:

That's a lie

Александр Багаутдинов says:

Yo estutio espanol, yo soy Russia

Faceless786 says:

3332 111 23333 4445

Catherine Vheina Oarga says:

Full version pls😁we need it


Звук пианино и аккордов в комплекте?

Md Mahfuz says:

totally fake

Diego Santoyo says:

X : No le puedes mentir a mas de 200,000 personas
El man : que decías?

felipe ortega says:

Guitar strings standard (faded, Alan walker)
1: 3331
2: 3 3333
3: 333 2220

For begginers, good luck.

antoine faure says:

It's false

hasnain abbasi says:

Moment of silence for those who tried this

Huev0Man says:

this is fake my brothers

eltuplan says:

is 100% no fake

Mario Bruno says:

#Pietromorello questa volta è affidabile


only guitarist know its fake

himterrent says:

Why string 3 sound is not same u can explain?

Alexis Calderón says:

Por fin encuentro uno de estos vídeos xdxdxdd que divertido

Santiago Estrada says:

Nos crees pendejos

Guitar Obsessed says:

I’m offended

Lorenzo _ytb22 says:


mineral matthew3 says:

That’s fake


I want to kniow the tunning process..

MCGDHotrod says:

Bruh thats fake

Kenneth Kentjana says:

You are only playing G, B, E, D, A. Its fake, how'd i know that? Oh i play the guitar. Yeah, fake

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