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Amazing Bass Guitar Player! Gustavo Dal Farra

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Amazing bass player!


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Lastrevio says:

Guys, I want to buy a cheap bass. I never played bass. I have some friends and we want to start a rock/metal band. Or even Rap-Rock. Alternative Rock sound. My friend wants to buy me a bass on my birthday and I need a cheap one for that sound. 150-200 $

Colin Lee says:

Wow, as a bass player I really enjoyed that.

Rin Okumura (Tsukiyama) says:

That's jazz move 😀

Jean-Marie du Toit says:

The fact that everyone just past him like its nothing, really pisses me off. He is a great player!

heiljudas says:

check out my new bass video with tabs! :D

Thompson lives says:

Christ has risen

Pablo Henrique says:

Yeah cool, and hegets, what he deserves for playing this thit, instead of getting a real fucking regular paying freaking job.
BTW , I recognise his tallent, but music should be done a a hobby not a profession.
I don`t even want to be mean, it`s just harsh reality

Phantom R says:

Gustavo or Wooten?

Anthony Lay says:

Here comes the dance floor!

nozii06 says:

imagine the number of people who started learning bass guitar after this video haha

PROcrastiDRIVE SV says:

Amazing skill! Also, he looks like MOOG! Shouts out to Mighty Car Mods!

PROcrastiDRIVE SV says:

You think that's good? You should see me play Air Bass!

Axel's DDO Channel says:

MIND. BLOWN. WOW!!!!!!!! Best bass playing I've ever seen…and I know a lot about bass and play it. Geez it is so hard to do the stuff this guy is pulling off.

Kat Ratcliffe (SHFIRE) says:

Woo hoo!

Unz says:

Emiliana, te envidio (?

ToxicFusionFTW says:


Bronzegear says:

That guy's bass…I exactly have the same.

Eric Sczuka says:

Man he has some killer chops and the chords he's playing are really nice! He's always holding down the high with the low notes! Bravo!

YellowMazdaRX7FD3S says:

kinda reminds me of something that would play in the Garage menu of Gran Turismo 2 :P

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