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Asal Kau Bahagia | Fingerstyle Guitar

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Igor has created an acoustic fingerstyle guitar cover of Armada- Asal Kau Bahagia. Enjoy!


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More info: Igor Presnyakov studied classical music at a nearby academy and would eventually graduate as both a guitarist and a conductor for ensembles. His unique acoustic guitar-style is influenced by various musical genres from Reggae, Rock and Roll, R&B, Country-western, Jazz and Heavy Metal. Igor also rarely sings any of the lyrics to any kind of song that he covers, and instead skillfully translates them into a guitar melody, having his instrument sing the words.


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Igor Presnyakov says:

Dear Friends! Here is my tribute to the latest Armada song. Enjoy! I would also love to play "Surat Cinta Untuk Starla". Please let me know if you LIKE this idea too! Thank You

Erie Irawan says:

I like your performed uncle igor 😉

Rufaro Osumare says:

Как вы знали этой песню? Вы русский, не так ли?

Nur sahid says:

mr. Igor request virus slank. thank's

Setiorini Siregar says:

Batik nya so nice, mr

Mr.Mister says:


Fadhil 065 says:

Love your style grandpa…😍😍😍

Ristu OI says:

beli di mana si tu gitar

StrikeE says:

i love your batik igor… nice one… 👌

Nadiya Furtuna says:

gila hebat banget latihan berapa lama nih aku bisa kayak gini

Deya Handey says:

req,, Always

Bintang Prtm says:


Eko Susilo says:

that's cool ,, AWESOME

tama sabero says:

it is real good

Rahmansyah Putra says:

When u wear Batik. remind me of my grandfather. Thank you so much. Matur Nuwun

noel nita says:

mr igor ,,,can you come to indonesia

Zullkrokus says:

I'm from Malaysia. Its very rare for a western or european to take notice on our musics and culture. Aside of your amazing rendition of this song, you also wear our batik proudly. On behalf of Malaysians and my Indonesian friends, I salute you. I wish you success..

Cupu GamingTM Heru Kristanto says:

Request song tulus -1000 tahun lamanya ? Please igor 🙂

fans goalkeeper says:

I love armada

ferry hardian says:

f4 meteor garden

ferry hardian says:

f4 meteor garden

ferry hardian says:

f4 meteor garden

Rexi Dirgahayu says:

leh uga bang Igor 😀

Kevin Jeremia says:

Anjir, requestnya sapa ni njing wkwkwk

rivan sanders says:

Orang luar aja tahu batik punya indonesia..
Nyanyi lagu indo lengkap dengan batik..
Malaysia who?

Gumelar Ilham says:

Can you speak indonesian ?

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