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Autumn leaves – Achim Kohl – Jazz Guitar Improvisation with chord solo and tabs

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played with my Gibson ES 137 Custom, the chord solo starts at 2:31,
If you want to play a transcription of this solo, go to https://www.klangfarbe-noten-shop.de/en/Noten-Download/jazzgitarre-17/solos/autumn-leaves-jazz-guitar-solo-achim-kohl.html


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Mario Lo Giudice says:

Fantastico…..Sei un grande !!!!

Ros Desroches says:

I can't stop watching this video. Awesome stuff…

Tom Goldsmith guitar says:

Phrigian used in jazz seldom gets nicer than this

Nick B says:

Like. Sub. That was beautiful and stunning!

Yoakega Chikai says:

Great!!!!  from japan.

Christof Kraemer says:

Hut ab vor dieser Leistung!

Sam Patterson says:

Great playing! Beautiful!

Mac Tonight says:

I'd sell my left nut to be able to play like you sir

Yoshiki G says:

Absolutely beautiful. Flawless!

Rick springfield says:

really inspired my playing…

Sebiwi Z says:

great sound quality !!!

Brian Anthon says:

Mr Kohl, I feel Mr Mottola is smiling down on you from above – he lives on in you – that was far beyond excellent.

Ray Valenzuela says:

tabs please

peter lustig says:

Ein absoluter Ohrenschmaus!!!

J Johnson says:

Education, Dexterity and Dynamics. Smooth sweeps, flawless chord changes…you have to put your life into playing Jazz. Any less than complete dedication, you're just wasting your time.

Malec B. Pajaro says:

Jazz music is my life! Love the vibes!

Thomas Kaping says:

Hi Achim, I just bought the PDF files. Thanks for inspirational playing.

Steve Waite says:

Nicely done! 🕶

Scoozy Apocoopy says:

is there some kind of scale? may i know it? or is it an arpeggios? may i know if it was?

Marco Osorio says:

Do you used some guitar effect?

Kalvin Catlin says:

holy shit… your an inspiration! Btw i LOVE your tone.

Martin Šurych says:

I have bought the tabs 😀 Never really played jazz but I feel like I need to broaden my horizons so challenge accepted

Seongbin Choi says:

Hey man that sounds awesome!! What scale do I have to learn to play jazzy?? Is it mostly about chord tone?

dry509 says:

Please explain chord tone soloing or the chordal scale approach to autumn leaves? I am looking at a lead sheet with notes and chords. How do I start? Thanks in advance.

JDM Fan #41 says:

All this skill and I can't even go from a G to a C and make it sound good, LMFAO.

arnold hilario says:

amazing,,, man, keep it up,,,

Marek Vodička says:

2:01 wtf

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