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brian may best solo ever

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el mejor solo de brian may con delays
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Sherbert The destroyer says:

I heard the Twilight Zone theme somewhere 4 minutes in

doug bishop says:

half the notes, twice the feeling, great solo,a lot like david gilmour

Thebuilderofthings1 says:

Brian May plays to the stars….and they listen.

ericynot says:

There is a warmth and intelligence to Brian May's playing that I think is matched only by David Gilmour.

Julie Gibbs says:

i was just watching him talk about his sound. A lot of it comes from the serrations on the 6 pence coin.

jesusfish says:

The only guitarists that are better than him I think are Eddie van Halen, Jimmy page, and jimi Hendrix

Bob Sund says:

"Best damn guitar solo ever"???? No, definitely NOT!!!!! In fact, quite boring….sorry. He's very good but he's no Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck or Jimi Hendricks. 

Neil Stump says:

what a gentleman Brian is an old soul

Loferix gaming says:

brian may mesmerizes, how many of you just sat there silently just watching? i know i was.

Jerry Wiorek says:


TeenLaQueefa says:

I kept expecting "Brighton Rock" to erupt early on.



Jeffrey Aronowitz says:

What a virtuoso solo for the ages. Impossible to compare to the flashier players like Van Halen and Vai but still a league of his own

Joel Daniel Rodriguez says:

Does Brian May have a certain name for his legendary guitar???? I heard from Casey Kasem on one of his classic AT40 countdowns that Brian May couldn't afford a guitar, so he and his father built the guitar from discarded scraps that included old furniture, leftover building materials, and valve springs from a bad motorcycle motor.

joynthis says:

He and his dad built those sneakers from scratch. Amazing.

Guy H. says:

Dragon Attack!

Jesse Garduno says:

One of the best guitar players of all time: Brian May.

Mr Drawer says:

I almost died when I saw the screen of Freddie Mercury

Deucealive75 says:

Brian May was doing trem bar things long before it became popular. I always wondered how he keeps his guitar in tune. It 's not like he's using a Floyd Rose or something more modern.

Eileen Mel says:

He's breathtaking. I have to wonder about the negative commenters, who don't really offer valid reasons (obviously because they don't have the backgrounds to discuss music or musicianship). These are opinions they've simply pulled out of their asses, just to be contrarians. The fact is that all the respected guitarists worldwide think he's one of the very best. I've read this in polls and articles starting from the 70's, and magazines for guitarists (not just random opinion polls) tend to rank him the highest. Here is Guitar World's top 10 in 2012:
10. Steve Vai
09. Dimebag Darrell
08. Stevie Ray Vaughan
07. Tony Iommi
06. Jimmy Page
05. Joe Satriani
04. Jimi Hendrix
03. Alex Lifeson
02. Brian May
01. Eddie Van Halen

"I can listen to any player and pantomime their sound," Steve Vai said, "but I can't do Brian May. He's just walking on higher ground." rollingstone.com

jason lowery says:

can this man really match van halen, hendrix ,clapton or page, anyone can use a echoe delay box.

SlowScizor says:

Not a Queen fan but the man can play

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