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Classical/guitar, Jim Greeninger, Recuerdos de la Alhambra

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http://www.jimgreeninger.com/guitars.html – Guitar/classical, Recuerdos de la Alhambra, by Francisco Tarrega. Jim studied for several years with Maestro Andres Segovia. The guitar Jim is playing was built by himself and was recorded directly from the Baggs pickup via wireless transmitter and a live performance mic in the hall. This is because of the number of children and noise in the theater. It seemed to be the best way to accomplish a good recording, however, it does often sound like you are directly next to the guitar. Also hear this great piece by Pepe Romaro, Christopher Parkening, John Williams, and Julian Bream.


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Theseus Altha says:

for those people who dislike this video, they are just stupid and dumb as f**k.

Theseus Altha says:

van gogh play guitar?!

Juan Hernández says:

best interpretation ever, better than original

Eugene Smith says:

I can't find where to purchase CD'S

Shinmi Ruivah says:

When music starts to speak…
Our heart n soul gently starts to weep…
The best classical guitar piece that i have ever heard in life…
Feels like m in too deep…
Its really touching…
I would Love to let someone play this piece on my funeral…

hedley100 says:

you have soul

Hua Nhu Minh HUA says:


Ernesto Corona says:

Trémolo perfecto

Eun Hyoung Park says:

ㅠㅠ~손구락이 짧아 슬픈 동물이여~ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ손구락 찢어지게 아프네 그것도 새끼 손구락이

Antonio Todde says:

la migliore interpretazione di recuerdos de la Alhambra…

General Education E.Z. Rainbow says:

he's vangof 's brother

James Rose says:

Wow, best guitar solo there is!!!

Sherpaful says:

It's amazing that talentless musicians get all the fame and fortune, yet people with a true gift like this get no such recognition.

Juan Hernández says:

best version on youtube

Jakub Skorupski says:


Alexandre Beyeler says:

Beautiful music, bravo.

Sonia Rumzi says:

Sublime! You make your instrument sound so wonderful. Love listening to you play. Thank you so much.

Yan Xia says:

My favorite!

Barry Andrews says:

One day this will be played for me as I leave this earth to meet the angels! Sublime.

Majesty Dragonic Blaster says:

My classical guitar tutor told me to practice this…
Dang, I can't play this good >.>

marcelo benitez says:

328 thumbs down??? wow they must be musical genius!!!

Fritz Höfer says:

1:48 B-Teil

Juan Carlos Torres says:

Muy bien ,lastima algunas pausas al comienzo de algunos compases igual felicitaciones es un tema complicado.

Frances McMahon says:


rediryou says:

You are a wonderfully talented guitarist and the fact that you build your own guitars takes it to a new level. I applaud you for having top notch skills at both levels. Having said that, there is always a but 🙂 , I can hear the pickup. IT has a rubbery phoney sound, no other way to put it. I saw a guitarist last night play in a theater for hundreds of people and he filled the audience with nothing but a good room with good acoustics and a fine guitar. I've seen guitarists play with violinists and pianists solely acoustic that sound good enough. Truly I am sorry to say, your playing is so great, but that pickup ruins it. I welcome your feed back. I don't intend to be inflammatory.

Agostino Parisi says:

the best ! Better than Tarrega  etc…

odysseynz says:

Precise and beautiful….beautiful

Billy Goh says:

I think it is better that you be a full time church minister ….

Jeff Stevens says:

America's super guitarist. You should see what he is doing in concert now, unreal.

nguyen tien loc says:

Very Beautiful

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