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Cliff Burton Solos

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All of his solos from the Cliff ‘Em All DVD! Amazing!!!


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zog noty says:

way betterr than this shitty taco truuujiiilo

Riley Young says:

I play drums but holy fuck this inspires me to get better.

anarchyonline0 says:

holy shit look at his fingers, he was playing since he fell out the vagina

anarchyonline0 says:

damn they didnt need kirk while cliff was alive

Arda “Knockout Gaming TR” Kulaksız says:

cliff burton… rip :(

Ramiro Santillán says:

Guitar? Nah bitch, Bass!

metalhead 93 says:

at the time they were the fastest and heviest band ever
they still are kinda

JoJoRock197 says:

This guy is a better soloist than Kirk. Imagine where music would be if he were still alive :(

Amit Pritom says:

The Best!

Beppe Manganello says:

0:43 his fingers are… riding the lightning

dakgeut says:

RIP Cliff. Today exactly 30 years ago but still not forgotten.

GhostR!der SSX says:

Fuckin Cliff….Your new Jimi in base, I'm possible to play like you bro!!!!

Jose Luis Simono says:

for me cliff is in MY HEART


R.I.P. fucking good men

GolokaGuitar says:


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