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Happy Birthday To You – Acoustic Guitar Lesson – (easy)

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An acoustic guitar lesson of my interpretation of the traditional song – Happy Birthday to You, inspired by my dog Molly’s 10th birthday. Loads more free lessons can be found at Guitar Tutor Man’s official website: http://guitar.freemovies.co.uk 🙂 Please support my video creation by clicking here: http://www.gofundme.com/guitar-tutor-man 🙂


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Parth Arjun says:

Thank you for this , i am beginner , i only know basic chords now I'll learn this and after 1 month I'll wish my mom happy birthday ❤️

Izzatul says:

Today is my birthday & i want to learn for myself 😅

cleon lusbo says:

your video is the best on YouTube

mail2kanu says:

What is the strum pattern?

Dwi Woii Jr. says:

i will use this chord for left hand in piano

Jacob Fodra says:

🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂 like it



James Cooper Lumacad says:

Thanks man.. though it's simple, I was struggling with strumming patterns.. I got it,, now I can strum this birthday song

Ye Htet Kyaw says:


Jay Shrivastava says:

I have just one comment: Thank you!!

Prince Z says:

Anyone trying to learn guitar in 2020???

Hector Hernandez says:


Tahreem - says:

Tomorrow is my bday!

Dina Mohanty says:

Who is molly

Laiane Sampaio says:

Thank you so so so much!!! 🖤

Souvik Sarkar says:

Picked this up instantly.. Thank You great job. Practising this to impress some one special. ♡

whatWouldyouDoifIchewyou says:

Begginer here and would just like to ask something,, so in switching chords, you switch before the last up strum of that chord? Cuz the way I saw it in the slower version, he switches chords right before the last up strum of that chord. Say for example, the strumming pattern is DD UDU right?, do you switch chords before u hit that last 'U'? Sorry for the really terrible explanation but I've been struggling with chord switching like when I switch chords I let go of my fingers and the sound of that last chord I played sounds wrong and stuff. Please help lol :<

Uma 7486 says:

Guitar name plzz

Sleepy Chuzho says:

Can anyone tell me the time signature for this?

Dal lai says:

As a woman with small hands, I'm struggling with the G chord, I cannot reach the top and last string with the 3rd and 4th finger respectively. This is the beginning on the song 🙁
Is there any tip on this please?

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