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Don Cortes Maya (Flamenco Guitar)

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souag ali says:

merveilleux une guitare qui s'exprime

la pichi de esquiu says:

Impresionante gracias Rafael

A Tree says:

If John Belushi tried to break this guitar It would pick him up instead…

Robert Lakatosz says:

amazing flamenco bravissimo

L K says:

The guitar is telling a story, "Hear it and weep"

Chico Viejon says:

Heard a little bit of Spanish caravan by the doors in those first couple seconds. Amazing playing.

Omaga says:

this made me shed a tear. so good!

Cheech 'n Chong says:

When they make you feel it, they're good ………….this guy's in touch with it!

Alfonso Alegría says:


Aaron Ennis says:

Music is the spear-point of humanity. Not science, not weapons, not our command over nature, the earth or each other, and not our feeble, pale self awareness. If God exists, his highest gift to us is our ability to confront eternity and mortality everyday of our lives and to counter its vastness with pointed, genuine and pristine expressions of ourselves and our condition, beyond language and culture, beyond preconceptions, misconceptions and flaws in our identity and character, through music. We are purely insignificant without it. Compositions such as this allow us to proceed bravely into each day and accept the inevitable darkness that waits behind every corner. This art is so wonderfully human.

Carol Chaves says:

he makes his guitar talk

ShIrO NeKo says:

Man…… this guy is making the guitar cry…… Kudos .

Jamie Khan says:

Who says there is no magic in existence ????

E Middlebrooks says:

best guitar solo

188metalhead881 says:

¡Hermoso, hermoso!

franco fedele says:

complimenti davvero

Bruno Bailly says:

Magnifique !!!!!!!!!

vv0422 says:

Le feeling + la technique!! que demander de plus!

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