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Eddie Van Halen – Eruption

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Eddie Van Halen playing Eruption Thanks everyone for the views and very sexual comments.
(Studio Version)


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Chuck Roberts says:

Makes my ears bleed!

AgentQQ8 says:

Pretty shit, actually.

Quenton Millstid says:

this isn't a van halen song

Gorgonops Epicus says:

0: 56 Best melody in all the history of the music

Al Reza says:

the wankery is strong with this one uwu

BeatTheStreet 7.3 says:

I can play this on my air guitar.

Jimi Hendrix says:

One of the Coolest Records in Time …
The Guitar Sound on thie Record is UNBELIEVABLE Great , and Dave Friedman takes this Sound to Create the BE-100 Ampifier..
He also was Eddie´s Amp technic. in later Times , just before he Started over with Friedman Amplification .

One HOT Tip for all who want´s this Sound for Low Money , The BE-OD Pedal from Friedman makes out of Every Standard Clean Amp a High Gain Monster wit Exactly this Sound , it´s unbelievable , but i hear it and it makes you ADDICTED !!
It´s SO HOT this Pedal …

ducon la joie says:

le generique de feedback ………………..bernard lenoir

Mihir patel says:

stuart playing this bought me here xD
super mega ukulele

valeria Juarez says:

lml yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

April Z says:

this made my nose bleed

6stringsamurai7 says:


matibaski says:

I wonder what it felt like when you've heard this back in 1978. I heard it like 9 years ago, but in the 2000's there were already a bunch of great guitarists.

Felipe Nascimento says:

Que desgraça é essa véi, porra sensacional!

Craig Fairbanks says:

the fucking best

Jan Templar says:


Dragonkiller6658 says:

my friend can play this spot on and hes 12

Michael Ciancetta says:

to all the people who are saying this is easy to play.. this was 1977 and nobody on earth had heard anything like that before… please

Kody Taylor says:

and people still say that jimmy hendrix is the greatest guitar player ever, they obviously have never herd this amazingness before.

Jason Nolan says:

Not the fastest; but the most artistic.

Evan Winter says:

jeez hes good

fanboys247 says:

this shitty random wank sounds like Lil Wayne got electrocuted while trying to tune his guitar

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